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Anti-Sleep-Alarm by MP students, New Innovation

Anti-Sleep-Alarm by MP students


Anti-Sleep-Alarm by MP students, New Innovation

Anti-Sleep-Alarm by MP students, New Innovation

A unique innovation by a student from Indore, Madhya Pradesh, as they made anti-sleep alarm to avoid road accidents. We have seen several student innovations, but surely this one is unique. 

One of the students says that the motivation for creating this unique innovation was an alarm system for truck and bus drivers, as he witnessed a bus and truck accident in the Hoshangabad district. Around five students worked together for nearly three weeks to make the anti-sleep-alarm system.

As the news agency ANI shared, this unique innovation of anti-sleep alarm on their official Twitter account. 

As ANI wrote in his Tweet, The student said that “we have made anti sleep alarm in which a sensor is installed, if the driver’s eyes are closed then buzzer rings and even after that the driver’s eyes do not open then the wheel of the car stops. I was inspired to make this from a bus accident in Hoshangabad district. It has taken 3 weeks to make it, total of 5 people made it together.”

As the video was shared, several Twitter users appreciated and praised the student’s efforts, and several users showed their concern and asked for some upgrades in the product. 

As one of the users stated, Good effort but if the driver is on a highway and the car suddenly stops because he slept, it is more likely to get involved in an accident, isn’t it?

Where the other user wrote, Creating this type of sensor was a clever idea because it serves a worthy purpose, but with few problems; if a sensor uses the brakes abruptly, there is an increased risk of an accident. Additionally, it is extremely uncomfortable for the motorist to adjust this in front of eye.

There are few products already in the market to avoide accidents; let us know what you think about the innovation of anti-sleep alarm.

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