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Apart from India, Know which 10 countries worshipped Mahatma Gandhi.


Apart from India, Know which 10 countries worshipped Mahatma Gandhi.

Gandhiji taught the world the lessons of truth and non-violence.

Apart from India, Know which 10 countries worshipped Mahatma Gandhi.


  •  Mahatma Gandhi’s statue at the railway station in Africa where the insult took place.
  • America saved the ashes of Mahatma Gandhi.
  • Mahatma Gandhi not only fought for India’s independence against the British, but he also taught the world the lessons of truth and non-violence.
  •  People will continue to honour Bapu as a symbol of peace, humanity and non-violence.

 People all over the world consider Gandhiji as a symbol of peace. In India, you may have seen many statues and monuments of Gandhiji, but in the world, also many monuments of Gandhiji are worshipped. 

Apart from India, Know which 10 countries worshipped Mahatma Gandhi.

Until the end of creation, people will continue to honour him as a symbol of peace, humanity and non-violence.

  what kind of statue of Gandhiji is in 10 countries besides India …

1) Tavistock, London

This statue was created by sculptor Freda Brilliant and was inaugurated in 1968 by former British Prime Minister Harold Wills. This statue is famous all over the world for its grandeur.

2) Copenhagen, Denmark

Former Prime Minister of India Indira Gandhi dedicated this statue to the Government of Denmark during her visit to Denmark in 1984.

3) Lake Shrine, California, USA

Here is a world monument dedicated to Gandhi. The monument was built in 1950. Here is kept a thousand-year-old Chinese coffin, in which a little ash of Mahatma Gandhi is kept in a small box of brass and silver.

4) Church Street, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa

This is the city where Mahatma Gandhi was once thrown off a train by an Englishman in 1893. The event is considered a symbol of Gandhi’s change of heart. At this place, Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa inaugurated a magnificent statue of Mahatma Gandhi.

5) Plaza

Cecilia, Argentina In the 15th year of the population of India, the Gandhi statue made by Ram Vanji Sutar was gifted to Argentina by the Government of India.

6) Glab Park, Canberra, Australia 

The bronze statue of Gandhiji has been installed here. Supposedly, the statue is so live that it identifies its guiding principles. 

The message of these statues is that without principles, no one can do politics. Without ethics, there is no commerce, and without humanity, there is no science.

7) Memorial Garden, Ginga, Uganda In

1948, a small portion of Mahatma Gandhi’s ashes were dumped into the Nile River in Ginga, Uganda. A monument was then erected at this place.

8)Artist Werner Horvath at Peace Garden, Vienna, Austria, has painted Gandhiji’s oil to show Mahatma Gandhi’s contribution to peace and non-violence.

9) Ariana Park, Geneva, Switzerland

The Government of India erected a Gandhi statue to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the 1948 Treaty between India and Switzerland. 

The statue has a line inscribed with the message in French, ‘Ma Vie Est Mon Sandesh’, which means ‘My Life My Message’.

10) Parliament Square, London, England

This statue of Mahatma Gandhi was erected on 14 March 2015 in London. Artist Philip Jackson created the statue. The inauguration was attended by then British Prime Minister David Cameron, Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley, Mahatma Gandhi’s grandson, former West Bengal Governor Gopalakrishna Gandhi, and Indian actor Amitabh Bachchan.

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