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Are soaked raisins better for you than grapes? A nutritionist debunks a myth.

A nutritionist debunks a myth


Are soaked raisins better for you than grapes? A nutritionist debunks a myth.

Are soaked raisins better for you than grapes? A nutritionist debunks a myth.

Which is healthier: soaked raisins or fresh grapes? A nutritionist elucidates.

Raisins are a good addition to your diet at any time of year because they contain more antioxidants than any other dried fruit. In addition, they are high in fiber and potassium. And studies have shown that eating them regularly can lower the risk of heart disease, high blood sugar levels, and bad cholesterol.

While dried fruits are a convenient way to get the nutrients you need. People sometimes prefer them over fresh fruit in season. The case of raisins, many health experts recommend soaking them to maximize their benefits and improve nutrient absorption.

In a recent Instagram post, nutritionist Bhuvan Rastogi explains. Why raisins should be eaten only when fresh grapes are not in season, and the benefits of the fresh fruit must be reaped.

“In India, there is a widespread belief that soaked raisins are superfoods. Therefore, even when fresh grapes are in season, it’s common nutritional advice to consume soaked raisins or raisin water,” says Rastogi. He says that raisins are dehydrate grapes and that there is no significant benefit to rehydrating raisins.

“I couldn’t find proper research on the topic. All articles on the benefits of soaked or raisins water discuss the benefits of raisins alone, not the added benefit of soaking.

Why should we choose fresh grapes over raisins?

Rastogi believes raisins are inferior to grapes because they have lost vitamins during dehydration.

According to the nutritionist, when comparing the USDA nutrition database for raisins and grapes (of the same variety). Grapes have 15 times more vitamin K. Six times more vitamin E and C, and two times more vitamin B1 and B2.

“This may vary depending on the variety and level of dehydration. But all of this can be use to simply understand that there is a significant loss of Vitamins and thus antioxidants. When eating a dehydrated grape over a fresh one,” Rastogi says.

When grapes are unavailable, the nutritionist recommends raisins.

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