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Ayurvedic expert on the rules of drinking lemon and honey water to lose weight



Ayurvedic expert on the rules of drinking lemon and honey water to lose weight

Ayurvedic expert on the rules of drinking lemon and honey water to lose weight

In a recent Instagram post, Ayurveda expert Dr Dixa Bhavsar says that lemon and honey water help with fat loss. Still, she warns that it’s not for everyone and provides tips on determining suitability.

Lemon and honey with warm water on an empty stomach are touted as the ultimate detox drink that can aid in weight loss, constipation relief, bloating prevention, and liver cleansing. Many of us have tried it at some point because it requires little effort to prepare, and the ingredients are readily available.

Furthermore, both lemon and honey have their own health benefits, and there appear to be no adverse side effects to drinking this simple drink every morning. While lemon is high in vitamin C, flavonoids, and potassium, honey aids in wound healing, burns to heal and improves heart health.

So, can one drink lemon and honey water without fear?

In a recent Instagram post, Ayurveda expert Dr Dixa Bhavsar says that lemon and honey water help with fat loss. Still, she warns that it’s not for everyone and provides tips on determining suitability.

“Most of you have probably heard that drinking lemon and honey with warm water first thing in the morning helps you lose weight. But how many of you actually believe it? OR have you actually tried it? And, if you’ve tried it, how many times has it worked? Some of you will say it works, while others will say it doesn’t, and there will always be some of us who want to know whether it works or not before giving it a shot, right? “Dr Bhavsar says

The Ayurvedic expert discusses the benefits of drinking lemon-honey water and its potential side effects for some people.

BENEFITS OF LEMON-HONEY WATER • Lemon and honey can help you burn or melt fat, but you must also exercise and eat healthy.

• It also aids in liver detoxification.

• Relieves bloating and abdominal discomfort.

But does that mean you should start eating it every day without thinking about whether it’s right for you? Dr Bhavsar recommends you try it for a few days and see how you feel.

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