Seeing the young volunteer who could not reach the embassy everywhere, people came alive.
When a young man found out that Gujaratis had arrived from Ukraine, other young men also joined Romania for help.
Not to worry, Gujaratis are here. Yes, proud.Moment Gujaratis in Romania showing how to help people in a tough time. Gujaratis in Romania is helping people who came from Ukraine.
The whole world is shocked to see the situation in Ukraine. The scene of one blast after another, a burning building leaving one’s home and taking refuge in a metro station, shakes the ordinary person.
Still, when someone from our homeland comes to the rescue during all this trouble, it seems like someone has come against the Messiah.
When students started coming to India from different borders of Ukraine, 5 Indian volunteers in Romania became an occasion to put a smile on everyone’s face.
The five Gujaratis who are warriors in the true sense of the embassy who have helped the compatriots abroad have given important detail,
Vatsal Modi, Keshav Pandya, Akash Kaka, Maulik Brahmbhatt, and Ajay Shah from different state cities, including Ahmedabad, have been living in Romania for some time now.
During the war between Ukraine and Russia, some students reached Romania after getting into trouble on the Ukrainian border.
As soon as the citizens of India reached Romania, the youths of native Gujarat immediately went to Border and Shelter House. The youths were given T-shirts as ID cards by the Indian Embassy in Romania to help people as volunteers.
Food, drink, and clothing was provided for Indian nationals living in the Shelter House, where Indian students spoke Hindi or Gujarati.
Being Indian students, I spoke to them in Hindi or Gujarati.
The students would help them if they had any problems. In addition, when arriving at the airport, these young men helped in boarding and unloading luggage so that they did not have to stand in line at the airport. Some brought along a pet dog and a cat. It also helped him to return to India.
Young men working in Romania helped with the rest of the time.
These young men, working in Romania, performed at different times in the morning, afternoon, and evening to reach the shelter house and help immigration at the airport. The youths did not even stop because they had T-shirts.
Since Sunday, the youths have helped more than 800 people with boarding and luggage and many more in the shelter home. They have sometimes arranged for food and drink at their own expense. These young people are still working together to help Indian citizens.
Vatsal, who lives in Romania, rushes to the airport enthusiastically.
Vatsal Modi said, “I reached the airport on Sunday when I heard that Indians had arrived in Romania. Coming here, I met other young men like me, who came to the aid of the people.
Vatsal Modi then started talking to them and helping the people of Indiana. Now we live together as a family and help everyone. We are happy that we are helping the citizens of this country in another country. We will continue to help as long as people keep coming.