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Here are some latest update on Uttarakhand rains

Some latest update on Uttarakhand rains


Here are some latest update on Uttarakhand rains

Here are some latest update on Uttarakhand rains

Around 70 pilgrims stranded on the trek route to Madmaheshwar temple in Rudraprayag district of Uttarakhand were successfully evacuated on Wednesday with the help of a helicopter and SDRF soldiers, officials said, adding that attempts were still underway to rescue another 80 devotees who remained stuck at the site.

Over 200 pilgrims got stranded:

On Monday, more than 200 pilgrims were trapped on the road after a bridge at Bantoli in Gaundar broke the village due to heavy rains. While 52 were rescued using ropes by SDRF soldiers by Tuesday evening, he added 70 more were rescued in a helicopter on Wednesday morning.

Scary effects of Uttarakhand rains:

So far, 122 pilgrims have been rescued, and it is hoped that the others will be rescued by the afternoon, according to Ukhimath Sub Divisional Magistrate Jitendra Verma. 

If the weather remains clear, all pilgrims would be rescued by this afternoon, he said, adding that appropriate food supplies have been made available at the Madmaheshwar temple to care for stranded pilgrims, and a medical team as well as a police sub-inspector have been deputed to the site.

A temporary helipad has been created with the cooperation of locals at a location called Nanu Khark, roughly seven km under the Madmaheshwar temple, from which the rescue effort is being carried out, he said.

The pilgrims are airlifted from Nanu Khark and dumped off in Ransi hamlet, where they will walk to their separate destinations.

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