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How can a chemical compound promote healthy aging?

chemical compound promote healthy aging


How can a chemical compound promote healthy aging?

How can a chemical compound promote healthy aging?

The compounds discovered by the researchers assisted older obese mice in losing fat and weight, building muscle and strength, reducing age-related inflammation, and increasing physical activity.

A chemical compound known as BAM15, mitochondrial uncoupler. That has been shown in a new study to prevent sarcopenic obesity or age-related muscle loss accompanied by an increase in fat tissue.

Wagner Dantas, Ph.D., a Postdoctoral Researcher in Kirwan’s Integrated Physiology and Molecular Medicine Laboratory as the lead author, and Axelrod and Kirwan as corresponding authors. Published the study’s findings in the ‘Journal of Cachexia, Sarcopenia, and Muscle.’

chemical compound promote healthy aging
chemical compound promote healthy aging

The compounds discovered by the researchers assisted older obese mice in losing fat and weight. Building muscle also strength, reducing age-related inflammation, and increasing physical activity.

“Muscle mass loss is usually not a concern in young adults who are obese.

That, however, changes as people age. Muscle loss is accelerate in older adults with sarcopenic obesity. They begin to become less active. As a result, they are at a so much risk of falling, having a stroke. Developing heart disease, having a lower rate of life, also dying prematurely, “Christopher Axelrod stated

The weakness and frailty associate with sarcopenic obesity are reduced in older mice given BAM15, which is the equivalent of being 60-65 years old in human years. The mice, who were all obese, were fed high-fat diets. Despite this, mice given BAM15 lost weight and became stronger.

In this study, aged mice increased their muscle mass by an average of 8%, their strength by 40%, and they lost more than 20% of their fat.”

BAM15 works by making the mitochondria, the cell’s power plants, less efficient. As a result, the mitochondria consume more energy. However, the researchers are hesitant to call BAM15 a miracle drug. More research will be require to determine its efficacy in humans.

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