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India following the Independent foreign policy: Ministry of External Affairs.


India following the Independent foreign policy: Ministry of External Affairs.

Independent foreign policy with External Affairs.

India following the Independent foreign policy: Ministry of External Affairs.

Key sentence:

  1.  On Friday, India stated it has an independent foreign policy that controls defence acquisitions under national security interests.
  2. India has a special as well as a privileged strategic relationship with Russia.
  3. India also noticed recent proclamations by the US government to extend the restriction of entry to such immigrants and non-immigrants by three months.

On Friday, India stated it has an independent foreign policy that controls defence acquisitions under national security interests, against the backdrop of potential US sanctions mostly on a $5.4 billion contract with Russia for S-400 air defence systems.

Under CAATSA, the US could impose secondary sanctions:

Recent reports have indicated that under Countering America’s Adversaries By the Sanctions Act, the US could implement secondary sanctions (CAATSA). 

The Russian side has also said that the agreement on five S-400 systems is proceeding on time amid the threat of potential sanctions.

External affairs ministry spokesperson Anurag Srivastava stated: 

India and the US have a global strategic relationship that is extensive. India has a special as well as a privileged strategic relationship with Russia,” Anurag Srivastava, spokesman for the foreign affairs ministry, told a weekly news conference.

“An independent foreign policy has always been followed by India. In answer to a query on the S-400 contract, this also applies to our defence acquisitions and supplies directed by our national security interests.

This week, outgoing US envoy Kenneth Juster said that CAATSA sanctions were not directed at US mates, while India may soon need to make tough decisions about acquiring military hardware.

Further, Srivastava stated during the weekly news conference:

India has tried to keep its options open for weapons purchases. The country’s leadership has indicated its intention to continue Russia’s military hardware procurement, which accounted for more than 60% of the three services’ arms systems.

In response to another query about the US administration’s plans to change the selection process for H-1B visas by prioritizing salaries and skills rather than the existing lottery, Srivastava said India is in touch with the American side ensure “increased predictability” in the visa system.

Of the 65,000 H-1B visas granted each year by the US, approximately 70 per cent go over to Indian nationals.

Srivastava about visa regime’s predictability:

“We are working with the US government to increase the visa regime’s predictability and also to minimize the inconvenience of Indian nationals in the United States or those planning to travel to the United States for verified reasons, along with the movement of Indian professionals,” Srivastava added.

Srivastava on recent proclamations by the US government:

India also noticed recent proclamations by the US government to extend the restriction of entry to such immigrants and non-immigrants by three months, he added. People-to-people ties are a crucial part of India’s relationship with the US.

The reality that Indian trained professionals have contributed to the growth of the US economy and helped the US maintain its competitive edge and innovation advantage is recognized in the US.

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