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Indian scientists have discovered an exoplanet larger than Jupiter

Indian scientists


Indian scientists have discovered an exoplanet larger than Jupiter

Indian scientists have discovered an exoplanet larger than Jupiter

The discovery was happen using the PRL Advanced Paras Defence And Space (PARAS) fiber-optic spectrograph. The 1st of its in India, on the 1.2-meter PRL telescope at the Abu Peak Observatory. A room headquartered in Bengaluru said in a statement. The Exoplanet Search and Research Group at the Ahmedabad-based Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) has discovered a new exoplanet orbiting too close to a star.

That is evolving or aging 1.5 times the mass of the Sun also located 725 light-years from the Space Research Organization. Using PARAS, which can dimension the mass of an exoplanet. It was found that the exoplanet’s mass is 70 percent and about 1.4 times larger than Jupiter, the report said.

These measurements were made between December 2020 and March 2021.

In addition, further follow-up measurements were obtained from the TCES spectrograph from Germany in April 2021. And independent photometric observations from the 43 cm PRL telescope at Mount Abu.

The star is known as HD 82139 due to the Henry Draper catalog and as TOI 1789 according to the TESS catalog. Therefore, according to the IAU nomenclature, the planet is TOI 1789b or HD 82139b. The opening team led by Prof. Abhijit Chakrabarti consists of students and team members, and international employees from Europe and the United States.

This newly discovered system of stars is unique – it orbits its parent star in just 3.2 days. Bringing it very close to a distance of 0.05 AU (about one-tenth the distance between the suns of Mercury). Fewer than ten such close-range systems are known in zoos with previously known exoplanets. The closest exoplanets around a star (less than 0.1 AU) with masses between 0.25 and a few Jupiter masses are called “hot Jupiters.”

“The discovery of such a system enhances our understanding of the various mechanisms responsible for inflation on hot Jupiter. And the formation and development of planetary systems around evolving and aging stars,” ISRO said.

This is the second exoplanet discovered by scientists from PRL (the autonomous unit of the Ministry of Space) with PARAS on a 1.2 m telescope at Mount Abu; In 2018, the first exoplanet K2-236b was discovered beneath Saturn at 600 light-years across.

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