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Is Delhi on the point of a 4th Covid-19 wave? Here’s the details

growing Covid-19 cases in the national capital of Delhi


Is Delhi on the point of a 4th Covid-19 wave? Here’s the details

Is Delhi on the point of a 4th Covid-19 wave? Here’s the details

Despite growing Covid-19 cases in the national capital of Delhi and its surrounding regions. Scientists have stated that the sudden increase in cases is not indicative of a fourth wave in the city.

According to the scientists, one should consider hospital admissions. Which have only changed marginally, removing any cause for concern or panic up to this point.

“It’s been over two weeks since all Covid-19 restrictions were lift. It’s the holiday season, so people are getting together and mixing. This is also reflect in increase social mobility and economic activity compare to pre-pandemic levels. Chandrakant Lahariya, a physician-epidemiologist, told PTI while advising caution.

“Merely counting cases has no meaning… even though cases are increasing in Delhi, hospital admissions remain unchanged or marginally changed,” he said.

SARS CoV-2 will be with us for a long time, so there will be no period when the digit of new cases is zero,” he said.

According to health department data, the Covid-19 positivity rate in Delhi increased to 7.72 percent on Monday, with 501 new cases. According to city officials, the last time the positivity rate in the city was higher than 7% was on January 29 (7.4 percent) and January 28 (8.6 percent).

Amita Gupta, a US-based infectious disease expert, the increase in cases in Delhi. And other states may be due to looser restrictions, pandemic fatigue, and increased transmissibility.

“We anticipate that, despite the increased transmissibility. This will not result in a significant increase in severe cases requiring hospitalization,” Gupta. Chief of the division of infectious disease and a professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, described PTI.

“It helps that India has done an incredible job vaccinating its population. And now it is important to continue doing so and to administer booster shots to those who are eligible,” she added.

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