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Karnataka CM Yediyurappa tests positive for Covid-19 twice in 9 months.


Karnataka CM Yediyurappa tests positive for Covid-19 twice in 9 months.

Karnataka CM positive for Covid-19 .

Karnataka CM Yediyurappa tests positive for Covid-19 twice in 9 months.


  1. In August 2020, Yediyurappa was infected with the infection for the first time.
  2.  In March this year, the 78-year-old CM was administered the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. His second jab was due in some days.

Karnataka Chief Minister BS Yediyurappa tried positive for Covid-19 after he was conceded to Ramaiah Memorial Hospital in Bengaluru. This is the second time that the main pastor got the disease. In August 2020, he was tainted interestingly, alongside a few of his relatives. 

The 78-year-old CM whined of having a temperature throughout the previous two days, following which he got tried on Thursday. Presently, he will be moved to the Manipal emergency clinic, CMO sources have affirmed. 

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Karnataka CM Yediyurappa tests positive for Covid-19 twice in 9 months.

He was tried two days prior when his outcome came negative, reports said. 

After having a gentle fever, today I got tried for Covid-19, and my report has come out certain. Even though I am doing fine, I am being hospitalized, dependent on the information concerning specialists. I demand every one of the individuals who have come in my contact as of late to be wise and practice self-isolate. 

In March, the central pastor took the main portion of the immunization at Bengaluru’s Victoria Hospital. A few other state boss clergymen took their pokes after the inoculation drive was open for senior residents. He was because of requiring the second portion in a couple of days. 

After he was conceded to the clinic for Covid-19 treatment, the CM tweeted, saying he is doing fine and doesn’t have any indication separated from gentle fever. He also asked the individuals who came in close contact with him to go into self-separation in the previous few days. 

Yediyurappa assembled a crisis conference on Friday at his home to talk about the Covid-19 circumstance of the state, as the state is recording the keenest single-day spike of new Covid-19 cases. On Wednesday, Karnataka detailed 14,738 new contaminations and 66 fatalities. 

Amid the seething second rush of the pandemic, worries over reinfections are making progress as a few such cases have been accounted for. However, the Union wellbeing service has not affirmed reinfection. 

Nonetheless, an analytical examination by the Indian Council of Medical Research has discovered reinfection in 4.5 per cent of the individuals who prior gotten the infection. Yeddyurappa’s second-time contamination is being viewed as an uncommon instance of this reinfection.

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