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PM Modi lauds Kakrapar atomic power plant-3’s criticality status.


PM Modi lauds Kakrapar atomic power plant-3’s criticality status.

PM Modi lauds Kakrapar atomic power plant-3’s criticality status.

PM Modi labels Kakrapar Atomic power plant-3 achieving criticality, as a trailblazer for many future achievements, congratulates the nuclear scientists.

On Wednesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated the nuclear scientists as the Kakrapar atomic power plant-3 achieved criticality. PM Modi lauded the atomic power plant-3’s achievement of the desired criticality. 

PM Modi credits “Make in India” campaign for power plant’s success:

 The former Gujarat Chief Minister also highlighted that the indigenous reactor is an outstanding example of the “Make in India” campaign’s success. The Kakrapar atomic power plant-3 is now set to generate power after the 700 MW power plant in Gujarat accomplished criticality, meaning it reached the normal operating condition of a reactor.

The nuclear reactor is only a trailblazer for future achievements, says PM Modi:

PM Modi took to his Twitter handle to congratulate the power plant’s extraordinary achievement. The Prime Minister in a tweet wrote that the indigenously designed 700 MWe Kakarpar Atomic Power Plant-3 reactor has become a shining example of the “Make in India” campaign’s success in India. PM Modi also said,” Congratulations to our nuclear scientists for achieving criticality of KAPP-3.” Further praising the glorious achievement, PM Modi stated that this is a trailblazer for many such future achievements. 

PM Modi, during lockdown 4.0 had urged the people of India, to go “Vocal for Local” and support Indian-made goods and services under the “Aatmanirbhar” campaign.  

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