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Pro-Armenia slogans against Azerbaijan, Turkey in Los Angeles


Pro-Armenia slogans against Azerbaijan, Turkey in Los Angeles

Pro-Armenia slogans against Azerbaijan, Turkey in Los Angeles

Key Points:

  1. Protest Azerbaijan and Turkey in hostilities against Armenia in Los Angeles.
  2. Russia entering in Azerbaijan and Armenia war:
  3. Armenian Flags waves at Turkish Consulate in California:
  4. Reminded separatist war:
  5. Turkey supporting Azerbaijan
  6. Garcetti tweet

Protest in Los Angeles?

Thousands of citizens protested to condemn the position of Azerbaijan and Turkey in hostilities against Armenia in the separatist Nagorno-Karabakh region on Sunday in Los Angeles.

Russia entering in Azerbaijan and Armenia war:

The protest came as Azerbaijan and Armenia accused each other of breaching a Russian-brokered cease-fire agreement that came into effect at noon on Saturday. The agreement stipulated that the ceasefire should pave the way for dispute resolution talks.

Armenian Flags waves at Turkish Consulate in California:

On Sunday afternoon, crowds rallied in front of the Turkish Consulate in California’s biggest city, waving Armenian flags, toting and shouting, among other messages, signs that said ‘peace for Armenians.’ Earlier, groups marched along the streets to wave flags, with some jumping on top of cars.

It was an peaceful protest:

It seemed that the protests were largely peaceful. Southern California is home to the highest Armenian community in the United States, and in 2000, Little Armenia has declared an East Hollywood neighborhood.

Reminded separatist war:

The latest fighting between the Azerbaijani and Armenian forces began on Sept. 27 and left hundreds dead in the greatest worsening of the decades-old Nagorno-Karabakh conflict since before the end of the 1994 separatist war. The area lies in Azerbaijan but is still under the control of Armenia-backed ethnic Armenian forces. It is referred to by Armenians as Artsakh.

Turkey supports Azerbaijan:

Turkey supports Azerbaijan and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently announced that “our Azerbaijani brothers are now awaiting for their land to return.”

As demonstrators gathered on Sunday, Mayor Eric Garcetti of Los Angeles tweeted in solidarity, even adding a message to the U.S. Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State, from a group of mayors around the country, urged the United States to help de-escalate dispute problems.

Garcetti tweet:

Garcetti tweeted, “We welcome the truce and it must be respected.” “To step up (and) help bring stability to the country, we need our national leadership. Turkey wants to disengage.’

News on this Topic:

Thousands have recently blocked freeways in the Los Angeles area. Many gathered in front of CNN and Los Angeles Times buildings, and protested outside the Azerbaijan Consulate.

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