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Ramdev’s reaction to the doctors’ body: “Statements have been retracted.


Ramdev’s reaction to the doctors’ body: “Statements have been retracted.

Ramdev's reaction to the doctors' body.

Ramdev’s reaction to the doctors’ body: “Statements have been retracted.

Key sentence:

  • Baba Ramdev has responded to a legal notice issued by a medical professionals’ association regarding his comments.
  • Your statements against allopathic medicines and doctors have deeply wounded the people of this country.
  • FAIMA’s general secretary, Suvrankar Datta, stated that they would seek legal advice on the matter.

Ramdev, the yoga guru, has responded to a legal notice issued by a medical professionals’ association regarding his comments against allopathic medicines and doctors, claiming that the notice is without merit because it is based on incomplete information and a segment of a video from an hour-long meeting. 

Ramdev responded by claiming that his words were taken out of context and exaggerated and that he was criticizing the overuse of experimental therapies.

According to him, several medical specialists have expressed worries about the overuse of experimental medicines, and many of them have now been withdrawn from the treatment routine. Ramdev stated that he has no animosity toward any medical field.

“The notification you issued… is utterly misconceived, without merit, and was issued based on inadequate facts. 

In response to the Federation of All India Medical Associations’ (FAIMA) notification, Ramdev replied, “You are encouraged to retract your notice immediately”.

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Ramdev claimed he was “withdrawing” the controversial remarks last month, hours after Union health minister Harsh Vardhan requested him to do so.

Vardhan had previously written to Ramdev, saying, “Your statements against allopathic medicines and doctors have deeply wounded the people of this country.” Your apology for your words, which you delivered yesterday, hasn’t done anything to soothe people’s hurt feelings…”

Ramdev referred to his assertion that 10,000 doctors died despite immunization and stated that he was expressing the public’s worry that doctors were dying despite vaccination.

According to the Indian Medical Association, at least 646 doctors died of Covid-19 during the second wave of infections and 753 during the first wave (IMA). 

According to the IMA, there were no immunizations available during the first wave, and most of those who died during the second wave were unable to receive their doses.

FAIMA’s general secretary, Suvrankar Datta, stated that they would seek legal advice on the matter. “…we will collaborate with the IMA and other Doctor Associations to determine our next steps. 

This week, we will convene a statewide gathering of all main associations to address serious concerns such as violence towards doctors and how to combat self-proclaimed spiritual leaders’ systematic misinformation campaigns against modern medicine,” he stated.

Several medical organizations joined the Federation of Resident Doctors’ Association’s black ribbon protest on June 1 in response to Ramdev’s views.

Ramdev was also served with a legal notice by the IMA as a result of his remarks.

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