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Rise in Diesel prices stopping 30% trucks in Gujarat, Transportation fares increasing by Whopping 25%.


Rise in Diesel prices stopping 30% trucks in Gujarat, Transportation fares increasing by Whopping 25%.

The transport sector suffered huge losses during the Corona period.

Rise in Diesel prices stopping 30% trucks in Gujarat, Transportation fares increasing by Whopping 25%.


  • With diesel prices rising day by day, sustaining the transport business has become a major challenge.
  • The transport sector suffered huge losses during the Corona period. 
  •  Rising diesel prices putting truck operators in a difficult position.

Petrol and diesel prices across the country are not declining, and petrol prices have crossed Rs 100. That is when the transport sector has had the biggest impact.

 The Transport Association claims that 25 to 30 per cent of truck wheels have come to a standstill due to rising petrol-diesel prices.

 As a result, the transport sector suffered huge losses during the Corona period, with rising diesel prices putting truck operators in a difficult position.

The challenge for transport operators to sustain the business is the

estimated 11 lakh trucks across the state, while 10 million trucks are active in the transport sector in the country. In which different types of goods are carried from one place to another.

 In which a large amount of diesel is used. While diesel prices are rising day by day, sustaining the business in this situation has become a major challenge.25-30 per cent of trucks across the country have stopped.

Rise in Diesel prices stopping 30% trucks in Gujarat, Transportation fares increasing by Whopping 25%.

Because on the one hand, diesel prices have gone up. On the other hand, due to competition in the market, fares for loading goods cannot be increased. As a result, truck operators have reduced their operations.

 As a result, about 25-30 per cent of trucks across the country have been shut down, meaning it is time to stop operations to avoid damage. As a result, truck operators reduced their operation.

Jitu Sanghvi, president of Akhil Gujarat Truck Transport Association, said that it is time for drivers to become unemployed due to truck stops in many places in the state, including Gujarat, which can be considered its big and serious impact.

 At the same time, in the coming days, due to the increase in diesel prices, transportation fares may increase by 10 to 25 per cent.

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