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Sanket Makwana, a resident of Dhoraji taluka in Rajkot. Write a letter to PM: Give petrol and gas in installments.

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Sanket Makwana, a resident of Dhoraji taluka in Rajkot. Write a letter to PM: Give petrol and gas in installments.

Sanket Makwana in Rajkot. Write a letter to PM.

Sanket Makwana, a resident of Dhoraji taluka in Rajkot. Write a letter to PM: Give petrol and gas in installments.

There are four people in the house, the cost of education, the home can not be run in the back-breaking inflation.

Sanket Makwana, a resident of Dhoraji taluka in Rajkot, was given an application by the provincial officer’s office on Tuesday, and even the employees were speechless after reading it, as they demanded a bottle of petrol and gas in installments. The letter quoted old and new gas and petrol prices as indications and said that ordinary people are suffering due to high prices in the current circumstances.

Hint Makwana writing a letter to the Prime Minister.

Sanket Makwana in Rajkot. Write a letter to PM

There are four people in his family. It isn’t easy to run the house due to the high cost of education for the children and the high cost of living.

 In addition to the letter, Sanket said that the biggest problem for the people is the sharp rise in fuel prices, which should be appropriately addressed.

Letter to PM addressed literally:

I am a resident of India and live in Dhoraji. After the coming of Aap Saheb’s government, the price of a bottle of gas which was Rs. 350, went up to Rs. 1050. The cost of petrol which was Rs 70, has gone up to Rs 104. 

I come from an ordinary family, so it is challenging to run a house. If there are four people in my family, the cost of educating the boys and if it is not possible to run the house at such a high price, I humbly request you to give me a bottle of petrol and gas in installments. – Signal Makwana

Sanket Makwana, a resident of Dhoraji taluka in Rajkot. Write a letter to PM: Give petrol and gas in installments.

Sanket Makwana also sent a letter to Dhoraji MLA Lalit Vasoya.


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