Telugu actor Sudhir Babu revealed that he had taken guidance from his father-in-law but never took any help from him, yesteryear Telugu celeb Krishna, and brother-in-law, Telugu celeb Mahesh Babu. He said it would be equal to ‘giving (him) dowry’ if they aided him.
Sudheer marries Priyadarshini Ghattamaneni, Krishna’s daughter, and Mahesh’s younger sister. According to our sources, Sudheer said, “I consult with them on any big decisions I make at the end of the day.
I made my own decisions for each project. I have done it myself, everything I wanted to do, and determined with whom I would like to work.
Of course, I considered whatever they suggested, but it was mine that made the final decision.
There will be a time when you will fail, but the thing is you will learn from it.
Never asked help from in-laws for work.
Sudheer added the thing that he has never asked his in-laws for suggesting his name for movies or produce a movie for him.
“Till now, I never asked my father-in-law, or Mahesh asked them to put a word with someone. I never requested them to produce a movie or guide me. I’ve been distributing movies before, so here and there I have a little experience and friends who helped me in training.
When I decided to go to the movies, I made sure that I will never ask my father-in-law, Krishna Garu, or Mayesh (for assist), he stated.
Reason to be in the Film industry.
Sudheer said one of the reasons he came into the film because he wanted to break away from his family business of selling pesticides and insecticides and accomplish something alone.
“I wanted to do something myself, and that’s why I never approached either Krishna Garu or Mahesh, he stated.
Sudhir was also seen in Thriller V directed by Mohana Krishna Indraganti, Nani, Nivetha Thomas, and Aditi Rao Hydari were also in that movie which was released on Amazon Prime Video.