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Surat Court implements ban on mobile for staff during working hours

The Surat Court had earlier given notice in this regard, but after seeing that some employees were still using their cell phones, a circular for strict ban was issued.

Gujarat Latest News

Surat Court implements ban on mobile for staff during working hours

Surat Court implements ban on mobile for staff during working hours

The Surat Court had earlier given notice in this regard, but after seeing that some employees were still using their cell phones, a circular for strict ban was issued.


In a recent development, the District and Sessions Judge of the Surat Court has imposed a comprehensive ban on the use of mobile phones by court staff during their working hours. 

This decision, aimed at enhancing efficiency and minimizing disruptions, comes in the wake of persistent issues surrounding mobile phone usage within the court premises.

Circular Mandate: 

A circular issued by the Court on May 15 delineated the specifics of the ban, requiring all employees within the court building and its branches to surrender their phones to the court registrar or department heads during office hours. 

This measure is intended to ensure focused attention on court proceedings and streamline workflow.

Background and High Court Directive: 

The circular referenced a prior warning from the High Court regarding the misuse of phones by staff in the Surat District Court and its subordinate courts during working hours. 

Despite previous advisories, continued violations prompted the imposition of this stringent ban. Notably, certain exemptions are granted for official tasks and specific circumstances deemed necessary.

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Reasoning Behind the Ban: 

The decision to enforce a complete ban stems from ongoing disruptions caused by unauthorized mobile phone usage, adversely impacting court proceedings and overall work quality. 

By addressing this issue head-on, the Surat Court aims to uphold professionalism and maintain an environment conducive to judicial proceedings.

Enforcement and Responsibility: To ensure compliance, the responsibility for enforcing the ban rests with court registrars and branch heads. 

Presiding officers of the courts have been instructed to communicate and oversee the implementation of this directive among the staff, emphasizing the importance of strict adherence.


The imposition of a total ban on mobile phones signifies the Surat Court’s commitment to upholding decorum and efficiency within its premises. 

By curtailing distractions and fostering a focused work environment, this measure underscores the court’s dedication to delivering justice effectively. As implementation proceeds, adherence to the circular will be pivotal in realizing its intended benefits for all stakeholders involved.

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