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Surat farmers design pearl farming, earn Rs 5 lakh a year from 9 vigha of land.


Surat farmers design pearl farming, earn Rs 5 lakh a year from 9 vigha of land.

Leaving expensive and traditional farming, Gujarat farmers are doing something unique.

Surat farmers design pearl farming, earn Rs 5 lakh a year from 9 vigha of land.


  • Leaving expensive and traditional farming, Gujarat farmers are doing something unique.
  • Leaving the traditional farming, the progressive farmer has mastered the art of pearl design.
  • According to the quality, the process of making pearls inside the oyster.
  • Sales pearls in cities including Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad.

Leaving expensive and traditional farming, Gujarat farmers are doing something unique. But, unfortunately, diseases and natural disasters in traditional farming often lead to drought damage.

 Fed up with the sudden change of environment and continuous damage, the progressive farmer of Surat, has started cultivating design pearls. Niravbhai Patel is cultivating five lakes in 9 bighas of land of design pearls which are in great demand in the country and abroad. So they are earning about five lakh rupees annually through the sale of pearls.

Tired of the sudden onset of climate change and constant damage, he started cultivating pearls.

After getting information from farmers and the internet, the

Culturally, Niravbhai Praveenbhai Patel of a farming family living at Athwalines in Surat is located between Vadoli and Sahol village at the end of Olpad taluka.

 Father Pravinbhai Patel had been cultivating vegetables and sugarcane for years. But standing crops were destroyed due to the effects of natural calamities along with irrigation water.

 So that heavy economic losses were to be borne. But after graduating, Niravbhai became a progressive farmer and thought of farming separately.

 While studying, he noticed that a farmer named Bhargavabhai Desai from Chikhli had cultivated pearls. Since then, he has started a new type of cultivation by getting all the information from the internet.

Niravbhai Patel is cultivating pearls by constructing five lakes in 9 Vigha land.

Pearl farming can be a good option for those who want to profit with less investment by investing Rs 2 lakh. However, it requires an initial investment of Rs 2 lakh.

 A year and a half later, when the pearls are ready. Then an average monthly income of Rs 1 lakh can also be made. Pearls are currently in great demand in the domestic and international markets.

Surat farmers design pearl farming, earn Rs 5 lakh a year from 9 vigha of land.

 Depending on the quality, a pearl is sold in the market for Rs. 250 to Rs. 15,000. To cultivate pearls, one has to build a pond in 500 square feet.

 Pearl production can be started by growing 100 oysters in the pond. The market price of each oyster is Rs. 15 to 25. The cost of structure set-up for oyster cultivation is 10 to 12 thousand rupees. The cost of water is Rs.1000, and Rs.1000 is spent on other equipment.

Pearl farming can be a good option for those who want to make more profit with less investment.

High demand in outside states Niravbhai has been cultivating pearls for three years.

 Giving information about agriculture, he said that pearls are naturally produced after finding oysters from rivers, dams, and lakes, mixing powder foam with design dye in them and keeping them in the lake for 12 to 15 months.

 Nirav Patel design makes Palma pearls. The pearl is in great demand abroad along with other states, including Rajasthan, Delhi. It manufactures pearls in different designs like God, Alphabet and Lucky Number and exports them abroad.

 After being kept in the lake for 12 to 15 months, naturally produced pearls are sold in the market for up to Rs 300 per nugget.

After being kept in the lake for 12 to 15 months, naturally made pearls are sold in the market for up to Rs.

This is how the oysters are prepared

. The oysters survive after being in the water for the first ten days with antibiotics. It is dumped in the lake.

 These oysters are kept in a nylon bag and hung in 1-meter deep water in the lake with the help of a vassal or pipe. At the same time, care is taken that no oyster remains like this.

 Which is not completely watery even though it hangs on the vase. In the meantime, organic manure has to be dumped in the pond. This keeps the oysters in good health and speeds up the process of making pearls inside the oysters.

 Finally, after around a year and a half, all the oysters are taken out, and pearls are obtained from them.

To cultivate pearls, one has to create a pond in 500 square feet.

Good quality pearls fetch a good price.

Pearls fetch Rs. 250 to Rs. 500 per pearl. Most of the pearls in the country are bought in Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Surat and other metros. Some high-quality pearls can fetch from Rs 2,000 to Rs 15,000. A plot of pearl farming yields 2-4 such high-quality pearls.

 Altogether, an average of Rs 1 lakh can be earned. Pearls are ready in 12 to 15 months in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Karnataka.

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