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The Russia-Ukraine war: Russia blasts heard in Kyiv airport Ukraine

The Russia-Ukraine war


The Russia-Ukraine war: Russia blasts heard in Kyiv airport Ukraine

The Russia-Ukraine war: Russia blasts heard in Kyiv airport Ukraine

Russia-Ukraine Conflict, Russia-Ukraine Conflict, Russia-Ukraine Conflict. Today’s news from the Ukraine war crisis is as follows. Ukraine has severed diplomatic ties with Russia following Moscow’s all-out invasion of Ukraine by land, air, and sea on Thursday. The most significant attack by one state against another in Europe since World War II.

According to the news agency AFP, multiple explosions were heard in Kyiv in the early hours of Friday. After Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the military operations’ in Ukraine, day two of shelling and fighting. Earlier, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy stated that 137 people. Including ten military officers, had been kill, and 316 others had been injure.

Meanwhile, US Vice President Joe Biden stated that if Putin moves into NATO countries. Washington will intervene, emphasizing that he will become emboldener if his Russian counterpart is not stop now. NATO’s eastern flank countries, particularly the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, have received the first batches of US military troops and equipment.

Ukraine announced in the early hours of Friday that it had lost control of the Chernobyl nuclear site. The site of the 1986 disaster and that the staff at the Chernobyl plant had been take hostage. The invasion has been condemner by world leaders, who have impose sanctions on Russia. Meanwhile, China continues to back the Kremlin, with its customs agency approving wheat imports from all regions of Russia.

The United Nations has allocated $20 million to increase humanitarian aid to Ukraine.

Following Russia’s invasion, the United Nations has announced that it will immediately allocate $20 million to expand UN humanitarian operations in Ukraine.

The announcement was create Thursday by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. Who start that the UN and its humanitarian partners “are committee to staying also delivering, to support people in Ukraine in their time of need…regardless of who and where they are.”

According to UN humanitarian chief Martin Griffiths, the $20 million from the UN’s Central Emergency Response Fund will support emergency procedures along the contact line in eastern Donetsk and Luhansk. As well as in other areas of the country, and will “help with health care, shelter, water, and sanitation to the most vulnerable people affected by the conflict.”

Russian passports were set ablaze in protest of Ukraine’s invasion.

Protesters in neighboring Georgia and Lithuania burned Russian passports in support of Ukraine on Thursday.

Protesters in Russia defied an official warning that threatened criminal prosecution and even jail time for those who called for or participated in protests.

Demonstrations were also hold in several major US cities. For example, hundreds of protesters marched to the Russian mission to the United Nations in Manhattan, some clad in Ukrainian flags and chanting stop the war’ and stop Russia now.’ ‘I was born in Ukraine… but today I think everybody is Ukrainian,’ Ivana Lotoshynski, a US citizen protesting in Times Square, said.

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