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Today, on ‘World Autism Day’, learn about the unique disease A to Z.


Today, on ‘World Autism Day’, learn about the unique disease A to Z.

April 2 is known as World Autism Day.

Today, on ‘World Autism Day’, learn about the unique disease A to Z.

 April 2 is known as World Autism Day, and the entire month of April is celebrated as Autism Awareness Month.What is autism? How can parents recognize these symptoms in a child? When can this be cured? Is there any medicine for this? A detailed report is given here to know the answers to all these questions.

From one and a half years to four years of age, mental discomfort is seen. In medical terminology, this is called Autism. April 2 is known as World Autism Day, and the entire month of April is celebrated as Autism Awareness Month.

Autism is a disorder affecting more and more people in the United States and Europe. This proportion has also increased in India.

 What is autism? How can parents recognize these symptoms in a child? When can this be cured? Is there any medicine for this? A detailed report is given here to know the answers to all these questions, and the doctor’s words can also be understood through video.

 If the parents wake up in time and seek the advice of a doctor, get therapy or take homeopathic medicine, then the child can be normalized, and when the child becomes normal, the parents will be happy.

Read this case

Meghnaben from Ahmedabad moved to Canada after her marriage. Shortly after, a son was born to them and named AYUSH. The son grew up over the months but still slept looking at the roof.

 Don’t laugh, don’t even blink an eye. It looks like a sack that encloses by a drawstring. Meghna did not mark it at first, but when AYUSH was one and a half years old, he did not recognize anything.

Today, on 'World Autism Day', learn about the unique disease A to Z.

 Everyone in the house tries to call, but AYUSH doesn’t say a word. The parents were confused. If you see a doctor in Canada, your son has autism.

Autism therapy is done in Canada, but it is expensive, so she decided to come to Ahmedabad by searching on Google. Meghnaben wanted to normalize her son anyway. 

Meghnaben’s husband remained in Canada, but Meghnaben moved to Ahmedabad with her son Ayush. His therapy continued. Six months passed like this, but AYUSH could not speak. 

Words never came out of his tongue. Even Meghnaben is at home trying. He used to say to his son, son, mommy ball … mommy … but Ayush slaps her lips, can’t speak.

 Meghnaben did not give up. He focused more on speech therapy, and the first sound came from between AYUSH’s flapping lips when another six months passed. The first word was … ‘Mommy …’ Hearing this, tears slipped from the corner of Meghnaben’s eye and fell. 

He immediately made a video call to AYUSH’s father living in Canada and heard AYUSH’s speech … Every parent can feel such happiness,

What is autism?

Autism is a disorder that is influencing more and more people. The development of children with this disease is abnormal compared to other children.

 There is no definite word in Gujarati for autism, but it can be called ‘swalinata,’ that is, to be absorbed in oneself, to be lost in one’s thoughts. No dealings with the world. It all starts before the baby is three years old.

Why does autism occur?

Autism is a disorder affecting more and more children when the baby is in the mother’s womb.

Homeopathy is a cure for autism.

It is a symptom of autism when a child is mentally unstable, and it is possible to cure it if it is known. So far, no cure for autism has been found, but homeopathy has a cure for autism.

 This medicine shows improvement in the child within 120 days. Apart from this, the child can be normalized by different therapies. Yes, it is not possible to say that autism has disappeared, but it can be said that the child has come out of it.

Children with autism areGeniuses It has been proven that children with autism are geniuses. Autism is a disorder that is affecting more and more children. He goes a long way in education and places himself in society by setting his own specific goal. Albert Einstein also had autism.

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