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Trump wants to keep the peace for the people of India and China.


Trump wants to keep the peace for the people of India and China.

Trump wants to keep the peace for the people of India and China.

The White House says “After the US, India has done more COVID-19 cases; Trump reiterates his love for India.

On Thursday, US President Donald Trump’s spokesperson revealed that President Trump wished to do everything that is possible to keep the peace for the people of India and China. Post the Galwan Valley border conflict last month between the neighboring nations; the US had openly supported India against China.

White House Press Secretary reveals Trump’s take on the India-China standoff:

The White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany addressed the media in a news conference and responded to a query on Trump’s take regarding the India and China eastern Ladakh standoff; she said,” He (Trump) said I love the people of India and I love the people of China and I want to do everything possible to keep the peace for the people.”

“Trump is consistent in his love for India & Indian-Americans”:

Al Mason, the co-chair of the Trump Victory Indian American Finance Committee, welcomed the statement from the Trump administration and also lauded President Trump of taking a clear stand. In a statement, Mason said,” Only President Trump has had the courage to say that “I love India, America respects India”. US stands with India – and that also, to over one billion Indians in India at the Namaste Trump rally held in India? And that too near India’s neighbor China, he is consistent in his love for India and Indian-Americans.”

Most tests after the US conducted in India confirms the White House:

The White House has revealed that after the US, which has carried out a record 42 million COVID-19 tests, India has done 12 million Coronavirus tests, therefore becoming the second largest country to carry out tests.

Kayleigh McEnany said in the press briefing that,” With regard to the testing, we’ve done more than 42 million tests. The second-highest number is 12 million from India. We’re leading the world in testing.”

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