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US Prez Donald Trump calls for “delay” in the 2020 presidential election, citing fraudulent voting system.


US Prez Donald Trump calls for “delay” in the 2020 presidential election, citing fraudulent voting system.

US Prez Donald Trump calls for “delay” in the 2020 presidential election, citing fraudulent voting system.

Donald Trump seeks delay in election amid claims of voting fraud due to the Coronavirus pandemic; the Constitution makes no provision for a delay.

For the first time, US President Donald Trump has asked for a “delay” of November’s presidential election and raised concerns for the new mail-in voting system due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Trump further alleged that increased mail-in voting would lead to fraudulent results. 

Universal mail-in voting will embarrass the US says, Trump:

On Thursday, the US president took to his Twitter and wrote that the universal mail-in voting system would be the most inaccurate and fraudulent election in the history of the country. He further added that going on that path will bring embarrassment to the USA, and for the first time stated that the election should be delayed until people can safely, securely, and properly vote. 

No provisions for a delay in the US Constitution:

However, the Constitution makes no provisions for a delay to the presidential inauguration scheduled on January 20, 2021. The dates of federal elections are set by the Congress. Since the novel COVID-19 pandemic reached the US, many political analysts suggested the use of postal ballots instead of in-person voting to maintain the social distancing norms, thereby lowering the risk of spread of the deadly disease. 

Postal voting increases the risk of voter fraud says, Trump:

President Trump’s Republican Party has resisted those efforts and has argued that postal voting could increase risks of voter fraud, and also alleged the Democrats of using the pandemic to benefit their political ambitions. President Trump has led the charge to not succumb to the postal voting and has said that if the plans to expand postal voting succeed, then not a single Republican would be elected ever again in the US.

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