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Uttarakhand landslide: 1 death reported so far

Uttarakhand landslide: 1 death reported


Uttarakhand landslide: 1 death reported so far

Uttarakhand landslide: 1 death reported so far

Uttarakhand landslide: a heavy rain caused a landslide in Uttarakhand’s Pauri district, where around 1 found dead, and several are expected to be trapped. 

According to officials, one person was found dead, and four more are believed to be buried under debris after a landslip induced by heavy rain rocked a camp in Uttarakhand’s Pauri district.

The Uttarakhand landslide incident:

According to the State Disaster Response Force, a local caller told the Pauri Police Control Room on Monday that the Night Life Paradise Camp had been affected by a landslip due to heavy rains.

“Yesterday, a local caller informed the Pauri Police Control Room that the Night Life Paradise Camp in the Village of Jogiana, Mohanchatti, was hit by a landslip due to heavy rains.” Screams could be heard from the camp, where individuals are believed to be buried beneath the debris,” according to the SDRF.

The SDRF Control Room was notified of the occurrence by Police Control Room Pauri. Following this, the SDRF team, along with the local police force, proceeded to the rescue site, according to officials.

A girl was rescued:

According to officials, locals in the region informed them that roughly six individuals were staying in the camp, among which a 10-year-old girl was rescued, and a person’s body was retrieved.

The remainder of the persons are believed to be buried beneath the wreckage. They went on to say that all these people were from Haryana’s Kurukshetra.

“Rescue teams faced enormous difficulties in reaching the spot due to torrential rains and debris blocking the way at various points,” the officials added.

As reported by ANI:

Under the supervision of District Magistrate Pauri Ashish Kumar Chauhan and SSP Pauri Shweta Choubey, the local police force and SDRF are conducting an extensive search for the missing people at the scene.

According to officials, another team was requested from SDRF headquarters, and a 15-member specialist team was dispatched to the scene with advanced search equipment such as thermal imaging cameras, victim-finding devices, and so on.

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