The Kashmir files movie is still in the news. This film is based on Kashmiri Hindus, especially Brahmins, who suffered genocide in the 1990s. No one at that time cared about them. Even today, Kashmiri Hindus are not getting their homes back. Today IFFI2022 Israel Ambassador says Kashmir Files is a Vulgar film, and we don’t keep such films. Vivek Agnihotri’s reply to IFFI2022 ISRAEL Ambassador is, ” I was expecting the same from them. ” After all “what to expect from Terrorist Organizations.”
Challange of Vivek Agnihotri:
Vivek says he is challenging to IFFI Chairman if one thing he finds in this film is fake, he is ready to accept whatever they say. This film is not a film. It is a naked truth of what happened in Kashmir to Hindus, especially to Kashmiri Brahmins.
For Vivek Agnihotri, it is not a new thing. All the Terrorist organizations, urban Naxals, and people working on dividing India have been saying this for the last four years. But it is sad to see on the Indian platform—many support such a narrative.
Vivek Agnihotri says more than 700 people’s data was taken with proof. When you say it’s propaganda, prove it else, don’t say rubbish on film.
Kashmir files poster
Kashmir is a Hindu place now; less than 10% of people live in KASHMIR. Even today, people are targeted and getting killed by terrorists. Why do people not find that as vulgar?
Yasin Malik agreed with what he did to Hindus; still, people say it is propaganda. By saying this, propaganda means nothing happened in Kashmir. So Vivek asked and challenged the IFFI Chief director, saying one scene of the film was wrong and falsely showing he would stop making films.
Vivek Agnihotri’s reply to IFFI2022 ISRAEL Ambassador is a clear message to the people and organisations no one can stop him.
With this, Vivek asked his fans who are these people who comment on our work and things. These people are fake and hide many things that can affect their status. He says I am not afraid, and “I will do my work to bring truth to the world with my films. “
Jigar Joshi, widely famous as Jigar Saraswat is an Indian content writer, Author, Blogger, Senior Editor working from 2015-16 in this vast field of Digital Marketing, PR, Content marketing. He has been providing Content writing services like Article writing, Press release writing, Blog writing, Website writing services etc for many years.