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Weight Loss Suggestions: 3 Healthy Habits That Are Required For Long-Term Weight Loss

Weight Loss Suggestions


Weight Loss Suggestions: 3 Healthy Habits That Are Required For Long-Term Weight Loss

Weight Loss Suggestions: 3 Healthy Habits That Are Required For Long-Term Weight Loss

Weight Loss Suggestions: Although many people lose a lot of weight, few can keep it off for long. They gradually regained some of their weight. So, what should one do to maintain weight and avoid excess fat? Azra Khan, a nutritionist, believes that consistency and discipline are essential.

Weight Loss Suggestions The nutritionist took to Instagram to explain why people need to develop healthy habits to maintain their weight in a video. She outlined three healthy habits that people must adhere to to maintain their ideal weight, including eating clean and exercising four days per week.

“It’s important to lose weight, but it’s even more important not to gain it back.”

As a result, Azra advises, “always make sure that the things you do to lose weight are practical and sustainable.” “Focus on building habits rather than reaching a number on the weighing scale because if you take shortcuts and do crash dieting to lose weight, the number will never sustain,” Azra wrote in the caption.

She outlined three healthy habits that are essential for long-term weight loss:

  • Increase your physical activity.
  • To stay in shape, make it a point to walk 7k to 8k steps per day.
  • There is no benefit to working out.
  • Create a workout routine for yourself and work out four days per week to keep your body and health in check.
  • Abs are made in the kitchen, also as a nutritionist, I can assure you that this is true.
  • Maintain a healthy/junk food balance.

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