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Countries sparing no effort in evacuating their citizens stuck in the Sudan war


Countries sparing no effort in evacuating their citizens stuck in the Sudan war

Countries sparing no effort in evacuating their citizens stuck in the Sudan war

A growing list of nations has evacuated diplomats and residents from the Sudan war as intense fighting continues to grow in Khartoum.

On Sunday, the US and UK announced they had evacuated diplomats from the Sudan war.

France, Germany, Italy and Spain have flown diplomats and other citizens. A fierce power struggle between the regular military and a powerful paramilitary side has led to violence across Sudan for just a week.

US sources said they had airlifted fewer than 100 people with three Chinook choppers on Sunday morning in a “fast and clean” process. The US embassy in Khartoum is now shut, and a tweet on its official feed states it is not safe enough for the government to evacuate private US residents.

Also read: British nationals stuck in Sudan war; government trying to evacuate

The UK government handled airlifting British diplomats and their families out of the nation in what was defined as a “complex and rapid” operation. Foreign Minister James Cleverly said alternatives to evacuate the remaining British citizens in Sudan were “severely limited.”

Almost 1,000 European Union residents had been taken out of Sudan, according to an update from the EU’s foreign policy head on Monday morning.

Italy and Spain have also flown nationals – the Spanish mission included residents from Argentina, Colombia, Ireland, Portugal, Poland, Mexico, Venezuela and Sudan itself.

Source – BBC

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