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Ongoing truck strike in Alang Bhavnagar. Read in Detail.

Ongoing truck strike in Alang Bhavnagar. Read in Detail.


Ongoing truck strike in Alang Bhavnagar. Read in Detail.

Ongoing truck strike in Alang Bhavnagar. Read in Detail.

Ongoing truck strike in Alang Bhavnagar. Read in Detail.

Key Points:

  • Transportation in Bhavnagar Alang is an Economic backbone similar to shipbreaking yards.

The ongoing truck strike in Alang with demands to increase truck fares and abolish loading charges is costing the government Rs 4.25 crore a day in tax losses and affecting the daily employment of thousands of people. 

No one is interested: District MPs, ministers, and MLAs are distancing themselves from this issue. 

On the other hand, the meeting with the Collector of all the Associates concerned was inconclusive. Re-rolling mill holders claim that the loading charge is being unfairly imposed, while shipbreakers call it a service charge.

Alang on Hold: Alang Shipbreaking Yard has stopped production of 5,000 tonnes per day. Ship Recycling Industries Assoc. (India) has decided to stop production in Alang plots on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The wheels of 400 trucks have stopped, shipbreaking, ancillary industries, trade businesses, re-rolling mills are also being affected.

Meanwhile, in Bhavnagar District Collector, Alang Truck Transport Assoc., Re-Rolling Mill-Furnace Assoc., Ship Recycling Industries Assoc.

 An (India) appointees meeting was held in which re-rolling mills and truck-transport leaders were adamant about abolishing the loading charge of Rs.100 per tonne imposed by shipbreakers. In contrast, shipbreakers said it was their service charge. As stated in the meeting.

Meeting with authorities and Collector: As the meeting mediated by the Collector remained undecided, uncertainties have also arisen as to how many more days the truck strike will continue. 

Shipbreaking produces an average of 5,000 tons per day, and the goods are dispatched accordingly. But with all dispatches closed for the last 15 days, the government is estimated to be incurring a tax loss of Rs 4.25 crore per day, and all Assoc. Clouds of uncertainty are hovering over reconciliation efforts, which are still adamant.

The problem for more than 1.5lac people: As many as 1.50 lakh people are directly and indirectly involved in the district through shipbreaking, re-rolling mills, and the ongoing truck strike for various reasons, including loading charges, haulage, fare hike for the last 15 days, and employment of several people. 

Daily wages are also falling short of daily wages. Surprisingly, not a single MP, MLA, or district leader has tried to resolve the halt. During the meeting, the district collector has been instructed to maintain law and order, and if any truck comes for loading, it will not be stopped.

No loading charge anywhere in Gujarat A loading charge: 

was agreed temporarily in Alang, now loading charge should be removed when the situation is normal, the loading charge was never charged in the history of shipbreaking, nowhere in Gujarat does any industry charge loading, when we sell our finished goods also never take loading charge from the customer. – Hareshbhai Patel, President, Sihor Re-Rolling Mill Assoc.

Our demand for abolishing loading charges is that foreign

workers went home during the corona in Alang, and hence local labourers were working. Loading charges of Rs.100 per tonne

were being levied temporarily by shipbreakers. Now that the situation is normal, our demand to abolish the loading charge is resolute. – Sureshbhai K. Jaria, Alang-Socia Truck Transport Association

Truck fares are linked to rolling mills.

Truck transport is on strike in Alang due to rising fuel prices and other spare parts, halting production of 5,000 tonnes a day. Truck fares have to be paid by rolling mills. It is important to understand that the loading charge is our service charge. – Rameshbhai Mendpara, Vice President, Ship Recycling Industries Assoc. (India)

..So the question of law and order

will arise. Due to the ongoing truck strike in Alang and the decision to stop production for three days in the shipbreaking business, about 15 thousand workers are wandering here and there without work. Questions of daily wages for foreign and local labourers are also being raised. Labourers in Alang may also raise questions against law and order.

Jigar Joshi, widely famous as Jigar Saraswat is an Indian content writer, Author, Blogger, Senior Editor working from 2015-16 in this vast field of Digital Marketing, PR, Content marketing. He has been providing Content writing services like Article writing, Press release writing, Blog writing, Website writing services etc for many years.

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