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Over 100 million Covid-19 cases in Asia: read details

Over 100 million Covid-19 cases in Asia


Over 100 million Covid-19 cases in Asia: read details

Over 100 million Covid-19 cases in Asia: read details

China has reported over 45,000 new cases since the beginning of this year, which is more than it said in 2021 Over 100 million Covid-19 cases

According to Reuters, Over 100 million Covid-19 the number of Coronavirus infections in Asia surpassed 100 million on Wednesday. As the region experiences a resurgence in cases dominated by the BA.2 Omicron sub-variant.

According to Reuters, the region reports over 1 million new COVID-19 cases every two days. Asia accounts for 21% of all reported COVID-19 instances, despite having more than half of the world’s population.

In recent weeks, the highly contagious but less lethal BA.2 sub-variant of Omicron has pushed the figures to new highs in South Korea, China, and Vietnam. According to the World Health Organization, BA.2 now accounts for nearly 86 percent of sequenced cases.

According to Reuters, South Korea leads the world in the daily average number of new cases reported. Accounting for one out of every four infections reported each day globally.

While the number of cases has decreased since early March. The country is still reporting over 300 deaths per day, with authorities ordering crematoriums to stay open longer. China is attempting to contain its worst outbreak since the pandemic’s inception. The rise in COVID cases in Shanghai, fueled by the BA.2 substrain, has forced the financial center to close. On Monday, the city went into a two-stage lockdown of its 26 million residents. Restricting movement through bridges and highways to contain the spread.

China has reported over 45,000 new cases since the beginning of this year, more than it said in 2021. In addition, although China has immunized 90% of its population. Not enough older adults have received booster doses, leaving them vulnerable to reinfection.

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