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Panchatattva Missile of India can hit every corner of the earth.


Panchatattva Missile of India can hit every corner of the earth.

Good news for India of Panchatattva missiles.

Panchatattva Missile of India can hit every corner of the earth.


  •  India, which beliefs in the principle of five elements, is resounding in the five elements today.
  • Today there is no one to challenge India on earth, water, fire, air and sky.
  • The seawater, fire, air and even the sky bowed before India.

The whole of India is celebrating the 75th year of independence. There are hundreds of thousands of stories in these 74 years of independent India, but there are some aspects of its success that we cannot forget.

Today there is no one to challenge India on earth, water, fire, air and sky.

 The name of this country, which beliefs in the principle of five elements, is resounding in the five elements today. Today there is no one to challenge India in the earth, water, fire, air and sky.

The country, which launched the first rocket by adding parts brought on a bicycle, reached Mars in its first attempt.

Today, India, which once heated home stoves, melts thousands of tons of steel in burning furnaces called ‘Kalyani’ and ‘Durga’. 

Today, India, which once slept in the open air without electricity, is generating thousands of megawatts of wind energy.

Today, our India, which was once hit by British guns on wooden ships, can wreak havoc on any enemy in any corner of the earth with its missiles.

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