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The 9th round of talks between India and China in 15 hrs. Meeting.

India and China in 15 hrs. Meeting.


The 9th round of talks between India and China in 15 hrs. Meeting.

India and China talks.

The 9th round of talks between India and China in 15 hrs. Meeting.

Key sentence: 

  1. The ninth round of discussions among India and China to address the Ladakh dispute (LAC) continued for more than 15 hours.

On Sunday, the ninth round of discussions among India and China to address the Ladakh dispute along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) continued for more than 15 hours, officials informed of the situation said on Monday.

Even then, the result of the conference is not known yet. In Moldo, on the Chinese sides of the LAC, the corps commander discussions between the Indian Army as well as the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) started at 11 a.m. on Sunday and ended around 2:30 a.m. on Monday.

Eastern Ladakh continues to remain tight:

As both sides have been stuck in a continuing border dispute that has also affected bilateral relations, Eastern Ladakh remains tense. At friction points on the disputed frontier, the soldiers of both the Indian Army well as PLA are stationed eyeball-to-eyeball.

The military talk alone is unlikely to bear results:

The condition on the ground stays as it was during August-September (when the Indian Army seized control of key heights toward the southern bank of Pangong Tso). 

It is doubtful that military discussion alone would yield results. Simultaneously, diplomatic measures will have to proceed,” an official associated with the development said before the session ended.

As one of the officials stated: 

Although India has consistently pressed for thorough disengagement at all flashpoints and status quo ante restoration throughout the ongoing military talks in early April 2020, the Chinese side needs the Indian Army to first pull back soldiers posted at strategic heights upon its southern bank of Pangong Tso.

“Neither side is prepared to vacate the roles held by them. The standoff appears impossible to be resolved in the near term. Nevertheless, talks will continue because it is necessary not to interrupt communication,” another official said.


Army Chief General Manoj Mukund Naravane stated: 

Earlier in the month, Army Chief General Manoj Mukund Naravane claimed that if the current military, as well as diplomatic war between Us and china, are extended, the Indian Army is ready to hold its position in eastern Ladakh “for as long as it takes” to accomplish national objectives. 

Meanwhile, at least 10,000 troops have rotated back from deep areas to rear places in the PLA, but their frontline assignments remain constant.Last year, senior Indian and Chinese officers, met for the eighth round of military negotiations on November 6, which remained incomplete.

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