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The ninth round of talks between India and China on Ladakh border standoff.


The ninth round of talks between India and China on Ladakh border standoff.

India China.

The ninth round of talks between India and China on Ladakh border standoff.

Key sentence: 

  1. Indian, and Chinese military leaders, will gather on Sunday for the ninth time to negotiate and neutralize tensions across the LAC in the eastern Ladakh region. 
  2. The PLA has transferred at least 10,000 troops back to rear positions from deep areas in the Ladakh theatre.

Indian as well as Chinese military leaders will gather on Sunday for the ninth time to negotiate and neutralize tensions across the Line of Actual Control in the eastern Ladakh region (LAC). 

Along the Chinese side of the LAC, the corps commander-level chats will be conducted in Moldo, officials associated with the development stated.

Like the earlier rounds, the discussion may not deliver a significant result in the short term, officials added, adding that, however, the discussion must continue. Experts also do not expect a big breakthrough in military discussions.

Former Northern Army Commander Lieutenant General DS Hooda stated: 

Lieutenant General DS Hooda (retd), former Northern Army commander, said that it was a good thing that discussions are going on and contact is being established between both sides. 

It is doubtful, though, that any breakthrough can actually occur as no common ground appears to exist on the basis from which a settlement will take place.

neutralize tensions across the LAC in the eastern Ladakh region.

In political and diplomatic level engagements, this common ground does have to be built. Since this has not happened, there is not anything we can expect from the military talks,’ he said.

Mostly during the eighth phase of talks on November 6, the Indian Army, as well as the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA), has said that they would ensure that the front-line troops practice restraint across the LAC and prevent confusion as well as a miscalculation.

Army Chief General Manoj Mukund Naravane Stated: 

Earlier in the month, Army Chief General Manoj Mukund Naravane claimed India was committed to addressing the problem alongside the disputed LAC through talks, but no one could test India’s patience. 

We are committed, by talks and diplomatic actions, to dispute resolution. No one, though, should make the mistake of trying the patience of India,’ he added.

The PLA has transferred at least 10,000 troops:

In the Ladakh market, both India and China were prepared for a long haul and are determined to hold forward position throughout the LAC through the harsh winter months. The PLA has transferred at least 10,000 troops back to rear positions from deep areas in the Ladakh theatre, but its frontline deployments remain constant.

During the current military meetings in early April, India pressed for systematic disengagement at all flashpoints as well as the restoration of the current status quo. However, China needs the Indian Army first to pull it back troops stationed at strategic peaks on Pangong Tso’s southernmost tip.

IAF chief Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria stated: 

“In an alert to China on Saturday, Indian Air Force (IAF) chief Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria says, “If they (China) can be offensive, we will be aggressive as well. We have complete arrangements (to face any eventuality).

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