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UK to take strict legal action vs Iran read why


UK to take strict legal action vs Iran read why

UK to take strict legal action vs Iran read why

Key takeaways: 

  • British MPs voted last week to count the IRGC to a list of outlawed terrorist organisations nationwide.

Britain on Monday pledged more reprisals against what it said was Tehran’s “weakened and remote regime” after it conducted a UK-Iranian dual national.

Following the murder of Alireza Akbari on Saturday, the UK called Iran’s most senior diplomat and recalled its own ambassador.

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps: 

But despite hitting boycotts on Iran’s prosecutor general Mohammad Jafar Montazeri, it halted short of opposition demands to bar the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC).

Faced with more such requests in parliament, Foreign Secretary James Cleverly said he could not say anything on future prescriptions.

He said, “We do not restrict ourselves to the steps I have already told.”

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s spokesman told journalists: “We are studying further action with our global partners.”

British MPs voted last week to include the IRGC in a list of barred terrorist organisations in the UK.

Cleverly was blunt in criticising Iran’s leadership after Akbari, 61, was hanged allegedly for spying on Britain’s behalf.

He told MPs, “we are seeing the revengeful actions of a weakened and remote regime, plagued with stopping its people, debilitated by its worry of losing power and ruining its international reputation.”

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