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Watch the video of Joe Biden falling at a graduation event in Colorado


Watch the video of Joe Biden falling at a graduation event in Colorado

Watch the video of Joe Biden falling at a graduation event in Colorado

US President Joe Biden stumbled and fell while handing out certificates at a graduation event for the US Air Force Academy in Colorado.

Mr Biden, the country’s oldest serving president at 80, was assisted in getting back on his feet and seemed uninjured.

Joe Biden trips and falls in Colorado: 

The president had been standing for almost an hour and a half to shake hands with each of the 921 graduating students. The White House communications manager confirmed, “he’s fine”.

“There was a sandbag on stage while he was shaking hands,” Ben LaBolt penned on Twitter after Thursday’s stumble. “I got sandbagged,” the smiling leader joked to journalists as he returned to the White House that night.

A White House press pool statement said Mr Biden had stumbled on a black sandbag while walking on stage.

Video of the fall shows Mr Biden pointing at one of two sandbags used to support his teleprompter as he was helped up by an Air Force officer and two members of his Secret Service detail.

He was seen returning to his seat alone and later jogging back to his motorcade when the event ended soon after the accident.

The pool reporter continued that the president did not take questions when he came back to his plane. White House media secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Mr Biden felt “excellent” and had boarded the aeroplane flashing “a big smile”.

Critics have stated Mr Biden is too old to go for a second term as president. Recent polls suggest that most US voters are worried regarding his advanced age. If he prevails, he will be 82 at the beginning of a second term.

Besides earlier stumbles from his bicycle and on the way up the Air Force One stairs, this fall could count toward those worries.

Ex-President Donald Trump, the Republican frontrunner to face Mr Biden in the 2024 White House election, responded to the incident from a campaign event in Iowa, saying, “The whole thing is absurd”.

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