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When we can grasp the results: US Election 2020.


When we can grasp the results: US Election 2020.

When we can grasp the results: US Election 2020.

Key points:

  1.  Trump sits at 214, while Joe Biden has won 264 electoral votes.
  2. The counting of votes in Georgia was postponed on Wednesday after a pipe burst at a Fulton County location where absentee ballots were counted by election officials.
  3. Counting of ballots has resumed in the vital state of Pennsylvania, which has 20 electoral votes.

Republican nominee and outgoing President Donald Trump questioned the vote count as Democrats inched closer to the magic number of 269electoral votes needed to win the presidential election.

Trump sits at 214, while Joe Biden has won 264 electoral votes. However, as five states, including key states Pennsylvania and Nevada, are still left uncalled, both contestants still have the road to the White House available.

What have we been looking for? 

In key states, including his home state of Delaware, California, New York, and Washington, Joe Biden won, as well as US media outlets have predicted victories for Trump in 23 states, namely Florida, Texas, Indiana as well as Ohio.

In the presidential race, though, five states — Alaska (3 electoral votes), North Carolina (15), Georgia (16), Nevada (6), and Pennsylvania (20) — were not called in.

Alaska– The anticipation is not as strong as Alaska is a red territory, which most definitely would elect Donald Trump. Senator Dan Sullivan, a Republican, is expected to win the US Senate election as well.

Georgia– The counting of votes in Georgia was postponed on Wednesday after a pipe burst at a Fulton County location where absentee ballots were counted by election officials. Georgia is one of the states where a lawsuit was brought by Trump’s reelection campaign to prohibit the counting of late-arriving ballots.

Nevada- In this province, counting is underway. Up until November 10, it can accept mail ballots as long since they have the election day stamp.

North Carolina- too, must accept mail-in ballots that arrive by November 12. In his county, Donald Trump is slightly ahead of Biden.

Pennsylvania- Counting of ballots has resumed in the vital state of Pennsylvania, which has 20 electoral votes. Trump has already brought a lawsuit here, alleging that expanded mail voting has contributed to substantial fraud.

What the candidates think 

While current President Donald Trump informed supporters on Wednesday that the election had been won by the Republican Party, the message of Democratic nominee Joe Biden to his supporters was to ‘keep the faith.’

Trump said, “As far as I am affected, we won the presidency … we won all … they can’t chase us.”

Biden also exuded confidence on Thursday morning and expected a victory. 

“It’s evident that we’re winning sufficient states to hit the 270 electoral votes needed to secure the presidency,” Biden said, reporting to the news agency Reuters.

I am not here to declare that we were triumphant. But I’m here to report that we agree we’ll be the winners when the count is over,’ said Biden, appearing with his running partner Kamala Harris on his home state of Delaware.

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