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World Diabetes Day 2021: Know Diabetes From The Beginning

World Diabetes Day 2021


World Diabetes Day 2021: Know Diabetes From The Beginning

World Diabetes Day 2021: Know Diabetes From The Beginning

Did you know that Diabetes can damage your eyes over time, leading to poor vision or even blindness? On this World Diabetes Day 2021, learn from eye doctors about the symptoms that diabetes patients may experience

Caused by high blood sugar or too much sugar in the blood, Diabetes can affect almost every organ in our body, literally from head to toe, from stroke to leg amputation and raise awareness of Diabetes like a global public health problem. November 14 is celebrated every year like World Diabetes Day. This year’s theme is “Access to Diabetes Care.”

According to a study by the US National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.

“Diabetes can cause eye damage over time. Which can lead to weak vision or even blindness. But you can take steps to recover or keep diabetic eye disease from getting worse by taking care of your Diabetes.”

In India, a national study also estimated the currency of diabetic retinopathy at 16.9% and the majority of vision-threatening DR at 3.6 percent. Therefore, people with Diabetes should undergo regular ophthalmological examinations to identify and treat diabetic retinopathy promptly.

Dr. Siddharth Sain, Senior Retina Advisor at Sharp Sight Eye Hospital: “Diabetes is a widespread health problem among Indian men and women. Studies have confirmed that India is the diabetes capital of the world. Symptoms may appear gradually before the disease is diagnosed.


Dr. Siddharth Sain provides tips on how to recognize the early signs of Diabetes: “Symptoms, including blurred vision, are one of the constant problems people with Diabetes have. This is because the lens of our eye, like other tissues in our body. Aattracts a lot of fluid due to the high levels of blood sugar in the human anatomy, which affects our ability to concentrate.

He adds, “Diabetes can also cause new blood vessels to form in our retinas. When new blood vessels interfere with the normal flow of fluid out of the eye, pressure can build up in the eyeball also damage the optic nerve, causing glaucoma due to excess blood sugar. Which causes blockage of the tiny blood vessels that feed the retina interfere with their blood supply.”

Health professionals say that if such changes persist without treatment, the patient will become permanently blind and lose sight. Regarding some of the other symptoms that can help identify Diabetes in a potential diabetic patient, Dr. Siddharth Sain: “There may be some other symptoms like dark spots in vision. Blurred vision, dark or empty areas, more likely diabetic.”


According to a US study, some of the best ways to control your Diabetes and keep your eyes healthy is to “control blood sugar. Pressure, and cholesterol levels sometimes referred to as Diabetes ABC. If you smoke, seek help quitting smoking. Have an advanced eye exam once a year.

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Jigar Joshi, widely famous as Jigar Saraswat is an Indian content writer, Author, Blogger, Senior Editor working from 2015-16 in this vast field of Digital Marketing, PR, Content marketing. He has been providing Content writing services like Article writing, Press release writing, Blog writing, Website writing services etc for many years.

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