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Zerodha Co-Founder Nikhil Kamath on the Scarcity of Attention

Nikhil Kamath, spoke on the significance of attention and its scarcity in today's fast-paced world.


Zerodha Co-Founder Nikhil Kamath on the Scarcity of Attention

Zerodha Co-Founder Nikhil Kamath on the Scarcity of Attention

Zerodha co-founder Nikhil Kamath reflected on the importance of Attention and its scarcity in today’s fast-moving world.

Highlighting the staggering volume of digital activity, Kamath revealed that in one minute, 416 lakh messages are sent, 63 lakh searches are made on Google, and 2,410 lakh emails are sent.

Reflecting on how the current generation is living in distraction due to advertising and social media, he emphasized that time is the commodity that defines all commodities.

Nikhil Kamath Insight on Attention and Time:

He stated, “Attention = time, the commodity that defines all other commodities. It’s crazy to think we control so little and others so much.”

Offering a solution, Nikhil Kamath suggested, “I’m as manipulated by all this as the next guy/girl. Let’s take some control back; last Sunday of every month, no devices? Let’s experience the manipulation of our physical vicinity instead.”

Public Reaction on Suggestion by Nikhil Kamath:

Users reacted positively to the post. One user wrote, “Let’s reclaim our time and rediscover the magic of the present moment!” Another remarked, “Absolutely, let’s break free from the digital leash and reconnect with our real-world environment. One Sunday a month device-free could be the reset we all need. Who’s in?”

Insights on India’s Wedding Industry:

Earlier, Nikhil Kamath shared insights about India’s wedding industry, revealing that the country could witness a surge in weddings in the coming years.

He noted, “With this industry as fragmented as it is, I can’t think of 5 dominant brands in this space that occupy any mindshare.

With everyone focused on the IN industry right now, whatever the season’s flavor, traditionally uncool industries might be where massive opportunities are hiding.

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