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A different kind of New Year greeting by Rahul Gandhi.


A different kind of New Year greeting by Rahul Gandhi.

A different kind of New Year greeting by Rahul Gandhi.

Key points:

  1.  Congress leader Rahul Gandhi claimed his heart would be with the farmers fighting in his New Year’s message.
  2. Rahul Gandhi says, “India is now an imaginary democracy,” since meeting with President Ram Nath Kovind and other party members.
  3. Thousands of farmers have been demonstrating against the new agricultural laws for over a month.

Taking a subtle dig at the Centre for not removing the three farm laws, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi claimed his heart would be with the farmers who were fighting “unjust forces with dignity and honour in this New Year’s message on Friday. 

We honour those we lost as the New Year starts and thank all those protecting and sacrificing for us. My heart is with the farmers and artists who, with integrity and honour, unjust battle forces. Happy New Year to everyone,’ he tweeted.

India is now an imaginary democracy said, Rahul Gandhi: 

In solidarity with the farmers protesting towards the three farm laws introduced by the Centre in September last year, the Congress leader has spoken on many occasions. 

On December 24, Rahul Gandhi says, “India is now an imaginary democracy,” since meeting with President Ram Nath Kovind and other party members to address demands raised by farmers.

Rahul Gandhi, in his tweet: 

He also criticized the Centre on December 27 over the demonstrations, saying that farmers must keep moving and not be afraid of the ‘government’s bluster.’ He used a changed version of the famous poem ‘Veer Tum Badhe Chalo’ by Dwarkaprasad Maheshwari to make the point. 

O brave one, keep walking, you’re patiently going along.You don’t worry, O brave one, it doesn’t matter if there’s a water cannon shower or bluster/bravado. You remain steadfast and walk on. O ‘anna data,’ he said, ‘you keep walking,’ in a tweet in Hindi.


will accept nothing less than complete repealing of these laws says, farmer: 

Thousands of farmers have been demonstrating against the new agricultural laws for over a month. Their demand to fully revoke the three farm laws has not been approved by the government. 

The government has only proposed amending the rules, even after several talks between the two sides. However, the farmers said that they would consider nothing less than the full repeal of those rules.

Another round of meetings is expected to take place on January 4 among the government and the farmers’ representatives.

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