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CDS Bipin Rawat’s niece Bandhavi Singh win eight gold medals in Rifle Shooting

Bipin Rawat's niece Bandhavi Singh


CDS Bipin Rawat’s niece Bandhavi Singh win eight gold medals in Rifle Shooting

CDS Bipin Rawat’s niece Bandhavi Singh win eight gold medals in Rifle Shooting

As a general, so his niece who became a national champion and dedicated eight gold medals to CDS Rawat with tears in her eyes

Bandhavi Singh, Mukesh Vishwakarma Bhapal CDS Bipin Rawat’s niece, has paid a heartfelt tribute to him. After losing her aunt and uncle in a helicopter crash, Bandhvi won eight gold medals in the National Rifle Shooting Championship. Bandhavi later dedicated all of his gold medals to CDS Bipin Rawat.

When the entire country was preoccupied with the death of CDS Rawat, his niece Bandhavi in Bhopal was utterly unaware. She was involved in the ongoing National Rifle Shooting here.

Bandhavi won multiple gold medals on Thursday. The coaches and officials only told him about the CDS accident after that. When Bandhavi Singh, 21, learned of the deaths of her maternal uncle Madhulika Rawat and CDS Bipin Rawat, she burst into tears.

CDS Bipin Rawat's niece
Bipin Rawat’s niece Bandhavi Singh

He was travel to Delhi by a particular army aircraft with the assistance of the sports department and the army. Bandhavi has given these gold medals to her uncle as a gift. She is Bipin Rawat’s real niece. Bandhavi has four-team championship medals and four individual championship medals. She won the national championship in the senior category and set a national record in the junior class.

She received training at MP State Shooting Academy, was busy preparing for her event on Wednesday when the accident occurred. Because players were not given mobile phones or other communication devices during the championship, they were unaware of the accident.

In the final event, held on Thursday, he won eight medals while performing admirably. However, after receiving the medal and achieving this feat, he was informed of the accident. After learning of Aunt Fufaji’s death, Bandhvi burst into tears.

After receiving the medal, his coach and others expressed their admiration for his bravery.

Jigar Joshi, widely famous as Jigar Saraswat is an Indian content writer, Author, Blogger, Senior Editor working from 2015-16 in this vast field of Digital Marketing, PR, Content marketing. He has been providing Content writing services like Article writing, Press release writing, Blog writing, Website writing services etc for many years.

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