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Congress turncoats contesting Lok Sabha elections in Gujarat

Only three traitors are ministers in Bhupendra Patel's Cabinet, while others do not even have any party position; the departure is said to have been initiated by ex-CM Shankersinh Vaghela's exit in 2017.

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Congress turncoats contesting Lok Sabha elections in Gujarat

Congress turncoats contesting Lok Sabha elections in Gujarat

Lok Sabha: Only three traitors are ministers in Bhupendra Patel’s Cabinet, while others do not even have any party position; the departure is said to have been initiated by ex-CM Shankersinh Vaghela’s exit in 2017.

As Gujarat gears up for the third phase of the Lok Sabha elections on May 7, a familiar trend emerges with Congress turncoats now vying for seats as BJP candidates in simultaneous Assembly bypolls, reminiscent of the scenario in 2019.

Repeat of History

In 2019, the BJP strategically fielded three turncoat MLAs in the bypolls, coinciding with the Lok Sabha polls, and subsequently rewarded them with ministerial positions in the Vijay Rupani Cabinet. This move was followed by the elevation of several more Congress defectors shortly after their exit.

Changing Dynamics

While the strategy mirrors that of 2019, there are notable differences in the current political landscape. Unlike the previous Lok Sabha elections, where the Congress held a significant presence in the Assembly with 77 seats, the party now faces the polls with only 17 seats, its lowest tally ever. 

This number further dwindled to 13 following the exit of four legislators who will now contest from their constituencies as BJP candidates.

Magnitude of Defections

A senior BJP leader revealed that approximately 60,000 Congress members, including 20 MLAs and 300 leaders, have switched sides in recent years. 

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This mass exodus translates to an average of 250-300 workers per Assembly seat, comprising key figures in their respective areas. The BJP’s concerted efforts to lure influential leaders away from the Congress underscore its larger strategy to weaken the opposition party nationwide.

Political Maneuvering

The BJP’s pursuit of prominent Congress figures reflects its overarching goal of decimating the Congress stronghold in Gujarat and beyond. 

By enticing significant leaders to defect, the BJP aims to consolidate its power base and secure electoral dominance in the region.

Implications for the Elections

The participation of Congress turncoats as BJP candidates adds an intriguing dimension to the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in Gujarat. 

Their presence underscores the fluid nature of Indian politics and the strategic calculations employed by political parties to gain an edge in electoral contests.

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