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Covid Fight New technology for COVID-19 disinfection


Covid Fight New technology for COVID-19 disinfection

Covid Fight New technology for COVID-19 disinfection

New Delhi Start-ups funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) initiative Centre for Augmenting WAR with COVID-19 Health Crisis (CAWACH) have established at least ten groundbreaking technologies for disinfection using ultraviolet radiation, microplasma, and ozone.

CAWACH started:

After the outbreak, CAWACH introduced in April to scout for and fund innovations that can easily be scaled up for infectious disease control and management. The project, which began at the cost of Rs 56 crore, was intended to recognize 50 inventions for ventilators and other breathing aids, safety clothing sanitizers and disinfectants, therapeutics, and diagnostic tools.

Refrigerator like device to disinfect personal equipment:

A refrigerator-like device created by Mumbai-based Inphlox water sources that disinfects personally safety equipment such as N-95 masks and coveralls used by health care workers to enable them to be reusable is among the inventions which have resulted.

After the change in the unit, healthcare staff would only have to bring their protective gear in and run it for a period to clean it and wear it again.

It uses ozone, which is considered one of the best agents to destroy bacteria and viruses, said Inphlox, co-founder of Abhijit VVR.

Besides ozone, to ensure that the protective gear has no viral particles left, the device uses electrostatic discharge and ultraviolet light. Initially, the system was designed to purify dirty water and waste.

The equipment will be sent for testing to the Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay and the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB)-Hyderabad.

Like the one that triggers Covid-19, the Bombay team will test it with the bacteria E .. coli and the RNA virus MS2 phage. And the product will be checked at CCMB with Sars-CoV-2 {the virus that causes Covid-19} to see if the virus is killed efficiently and how long it takes. The tests would also tell us that how many times it is possible to reuse the products, ” Abhijit said.

The cost of the system would be covered by the cost of the protective gear purchased for about 15 days by major hospitals, he said.

A further technology produced by the Coimbatore-based Eta Purification for the purification of water can be used to disinfect areas using microplasma or partiallionizeded gases. This is much more effective than sodium hypochlorite, which is used extensively to disinfect rooms, in killing viruses.


Use of COSMO:

The COSMO (Complete Sterilization by Microplasma Oxidation) device technology can disinfect areas such as quarantine facilities, hospitals, and the surfaces and equipment there quickly. To convert room air to ozone for disinfection, the system uses microchannels.

“This is a very powerful method for disinfecting areas of critical care. The conventional methods of decontamination struggle to cope effectively with such a high degree ocolonizationon and contamination.

We have found that our groundbreakinsterilizationon of micro-plasma in health care settings has lowered the concentration of infectious bacteria and viruses by more than 103 and, in some cases, beyond the limit of detection. Plus, it’s environmentally friendly.

The disinfectant is derived directly from the air and quickly returns to atmospheric oxygen after the disinfection process, leaves no harmful by-products of disinfection,’ said Dr. Dinesh Venkat, fourth-director of Eta Purification.

The MicroGo: 

To ensure 100 percent compliance with hand hygiene by workers, MicroGo India has developed a framework that can be deployed in offices.

Wearing a mask, preserving social distance and {following} proper

hand hygiene is the safest way to avoid having Covid-19.’ The problem, however, is that individuals either do not know or do not obey the perfect method to wash osanitizeze their hands, the six steps with 20 seconds, said MicroGo creator Dr. Rachna Dave.

The MicroGo-developesanitizerer dispenser can monitor whether a persosanitizeses his or her hands as they must and whether they do so correctly.

based on the type of protocol fixed for its use, the system costs between R 8,000 and Rs. 38,000. Just 27 paise is the cost per person. Each week, the firm will produce 500 units.

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