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Is Yogurt Good For Preventing Breast Cancer? Everything You Need To Know.



Is Yogurt Good For Preventing Breast Cancer? Everything You Need To Know.

Is Yogurt Good For Preventing Breast Cancer? Everything You Need To Know.

Consuming natural Yogurt may help lower cancer risk in women, according to a new study.

According to a recent study, if women consume plain Yogurt regularly, they can lower their cancer risk. Researchers say one of the causes of breast cancer is inflammation cause by harmful bacteria. However, their idea has not been approved, and there is evidence that inflammation cause by bacteria is linke to cancer.

The study was dispens in the journal Medical Hypotheses.

It was write by Audrey Marwaha, a medical student at the University of Lancaster. Prof Jim Morris of Morecambe Bay NHS Trust University Hospitals, and Dr. Rachael Rigby of the University of Lancaster School of Health and Medicine.

The researchers said, “There is one potential preventive measure that is simple and inexpensive. Which is that women consume plain Yogurt every day. Yogurt contains beneficial lactose fermenting bacteria typically found in milk, similar to the bacteria – or microflora – found in nursing mothers.

Dr. Rachael Rigby said, “They now know that breast milk is not sterile and breastfeeding alters the microflora of the breast. “Lactose-fermenting bacteria are commonly find in milk and may infest women’s breasts during lactation and for an unknown time after breastfeeding. Your opinion is that this lactose fermenting bacteria in the breast is protective because breastfeeding reduces the risk from breast cancer by 4.3% each year.

In addition, several other studies have shown that yogurt consumption is associate with a reduced risk of breast cancer.

Which the researchers say maybe because beneficial bacteria replace harmful bacteria. There are about 10 billion bacterial cells in the human body, and although most are harmless. Some bacteria produce toxins that cause inflammation in the body.

Chronic inflammation destroys harmful microbes but also harms the body. One from the most common inflammatory diseases is gum disease or periodontal disease. Linked to oral, oesophageal, colonic, pancreatic, prostatic, and breast cancer.

The researchers conclude, “Stem cells that divide to populate the lining of the breast are affect by the microflora. Some components of the microflora are shown in other organs such as the colon also stomach to increase the risk of cancer. Therefore, a similar scenario is possible in the breast, where persistent microflora affects stem cell division and cancer risk.

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