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Singapore partners Apple on new LumiHealth app to promote healthily.


Singapore partners Apple on new LumiHealth app to promote healthily.

Singapore partners Apple on new LumiHealth app to promote healthily.


Apple Inc. and Singapore’s government have collaborated on a two-year health project known as LumiHealth, based on monitoring and rewarding user activity through the Apple Watch gadget and an iPhone application.

The LumiHealth:

Goals can be reached by walking or doing other workouts such as swimming or yoga, and the LumiHealth app can provide customised guidance and health screening and immunisation reminders. 

Wellness challenges will inspire users to make healthier decisions about food and change their sleeping habits.

Features of LumiHealth:

The LumiHealth service is free, and its announcement emphasises that it is “built with user privacy and protection at its heart.” 

According to Apple, all user data will be protected, and none will be sold or exchanged for commercial purposes. The service is the result of a request from the government of Singapore — which has a reputation as an early adopter of digital technology — for tech and healthcare companies’ ideas to help better the lives of its people.

“While all of us around the world are grappling with the COVID-19 challenges, we must continue to invest in our future. And no better investment than in our wellbeing, “Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat of Singapore said.

The city-state has been among the first to introduce a contact-tracing app to help fight this year’s coronavirus pandemic.

 It is expanding that initiative by issuing tokens that will enable residents to access selected locations, a move that could pave the way for larger gatherings.

Apple’s Launch Event:

In a virtual event on Tuesday, Apple unveiled its latest update to the Apple Watch, featuring health-tracking features extensively in its pitch for what is now a device family spanning multiple price points. 

The organisation has also partnered with healthcare institutions such as Stanford Medicine to help improve research and new methods of diagnosis for different medical problems.

Jigar Joshi, widely famous as Jigar Saraswat is an Indian content writer, Author, Blogger, Senior Editor working from 2015-16 in this vast field of Digital Marketing, PR, Content marketing. He has been providing Content writing services like Article writing, Press release writing, Blog writing, Website writing services etc for many years.

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