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The Govt survey shows that 97% of Health workers satisfied with COVID-19 vaccination.

Ninety-seven percent of vaccination health workers surveyed throughout the nation have shared satisfaction with the operation


The Govt survey shows that 97% of Health workers satisfied with COVID-19 vaccination.

The Govt survey shows that 97% of Health workers satisfied with COVID-19 vaccination.

Key Points: 

  • Ninety-seven percent of vaccination health workers surveyed throughout the nation have shared satisfaction with the operation.
  • With a choice to upload responses to five questions, a dedicated URL is sent via SMS. 
  • Around 98 percent said they were told and properly given the vaccine regarding the vaccination process. Around 98 percent said they were told and properly given the vaccine regarding the vaccination process.  

At least 97 percent of the 500,000 post-Covid-19 vaccinations health workers surveyed throughout the country have shared satisfaction with the operation; the Union Health Ministry said that on Thursday. But at least 11% of them have claimed that they were not adequately aware of the adverse incident after immunization (AEFI).

The government began to obtain input on the Co-WIN app from all those vaccinated just after the vaccination drive was introduced on January 16.

A dedicated URL is sent through SMS says Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan:

‘… Personalized SMSs are being sent to all vaccinated recipients one day after the first shot is taken. With a choice to upload responses to five questions, a dedicated URL is sent via SMS. Those who do not respond to the SMS get a call the next day, as well as there is a retry after 4 hours if the call is not replied to.

Over 97 percent of people were noticed to be pleased with the overall experience of vaccination,” says Rajesh Bhushan, Secretary of Health of the Union.

surveyed said that social distancing was maintained at the vaccination site:

Around 97 percent of those surveyed said that at the vaccinations site, the social distance was maintained. Around 98 percent said they were told and properly given the vaccine regarding the vaccination process. Near to 97 percent said they were asked to wait for testing for 30 minutes after vaccination.

The lowest percentage of individuals who said that they were told about AEFI was (88.95 percent).

Out of 37 lakh people 512,128 replied to SMS: 

Of the 37 lakh [3.7 million] individuals we sent SMS and follow-up with outbound calls, 512,128 answered. The responses were analyzed, and 97% were pleased with their overall vaccination experience, Bhushan says.

Healthcare staff around the country have been given almost 4.6 million doses of Covid-19 vaccinations.

Approximately 45% of the 10 million health staff eligible to receive a jab against Covid-19 has received the very first dose of the vaccine thus far.

Jigar Joshi, widely famous as Jigar Saraswat is an Indian content writer, Author, Blogger, Senior Editor working from 2015-16 in this vast field of Digital Marketing, PR, Content marketing. He has been providing Content writing services like Article writing, Press release writing, Blog writing, Website writing services etc for many years.

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