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While endorsing drafted EU rules, Facebook takes a stab at Apple.


While endorsing drafted EU rules, Facebook takes a stab at Apple.

While endorsing drafted EU rules, Facebook takes a stab at Apple.

Key points:

  1.  Apple introduced a privacy feature allowing users to block advertising from monitoring them through various apps.
  2. Facebook and other businesses that receive money from advertising sales have said that the feature would harm developers.
  3. Apple hit back saying. One of the draught EU rules – the Digital Markets Act (DMA) – is targeted at large corporations.
  4. The social media network, one of the US companies that would be protected by the new regulations.

On Tuesday, Facebook said it hoped the European Union’s new draught rules aimed at curtailing the powers of large US corporations would set limits for Apple, its latest volley in an ongoing dispute.

Apple feature users to block advertising:

After Apple introduced a privacy feature allowing users to block advertising from monitoring them through various apps, the companies went up against each other.

Facebook said the feature would harm developers:

Facebook and other businesses that receive money from advertising sales have said that the feature would harm developers. “When aggressive tracking is your business model, you tend not to welcome transparency as well as customer choice.” Apple hit back saying.

One of the draught EU rules – the Digital Markets Act (DMA) – is targeted at large corporations and calls for a halt to the promotion of their own platform services.

As Facebook spokesman stated: 

A Facebook spokesman stated, “We assume the DMA will also set boundaries for Apple,” “Apple regulates an entire ecosystem through a device to the app store as well as apps and using this power to harm developers including consumers, as well as huge platforms like Facebook,” he stated. Apple did not reply to requests for explanation instantly.

Another rule by DSA:

The Digital Services Act (DSA), another law, mandates businesses with more than 45 million users to do more to tackle illicit content and deliberate misuse of websites, among other provisions, to manipulate elections or risk significant fines.

For not doing enough to deter people from using the site for hate speech or sharing fake news, Facebook has also been regularly criticized.

The US companies welcomed the European Union’s position:

The social media network, one of the US companies that would be protected by the new regulations, welcomed the European Union’s position and said it was on the correct path to help maintain what is good about its internet.”

“We have long called for regulations on harmful content and have actively contributed to many European measures in this area, including the EU Code of Conduct on hateful speech.”

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