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75th independence day India 2022: watch all photos and videos

75th independence day India


75th independence day India 2022: watch all photos and videos

75th independence day India 2022: watch all photos and videos

75th independence day India: PM Modi’s address on Independence Day focuses on ‘Panch pran,’ the fight against corruption also dynastic politics.

75th independence day India. PM Modi told the nation at the Red Fort that India’s strength lies in its diversity, also referring to the country as the “mother of democracy.”

Prime Minister Narendra Modi called on the collective spirit of 130 crores. The “Team India,” to take the country forward also ensure that it is a developed nation within the next 25 years in his address for the 76th Independence Day at the Red Fort. PM Modi issued five resolutions, or “panch pran,” for the “amrit kaal.”

Working towards a ‘viksit Bharat’ (developed India), removing any vestiges of colonialism. Preserving our roots, ensuring unity in diversity, also carrying out citizen duties. He emphasized that the two most serious problems in India were corruption also dynastic politics.

As he began his speech, Prime Minister Modi stated that it was a historic day for India as it embarked on a new path with new resolve.

Also He emphasized India’s strength in diversity, referring to it as the “mother of democracy.”

75th independence day India

PM Modi unfurled the National Flag ahead of his speech at the Red Fort amid a 21-gun salute by the indigenously developed howitzer gun, ATAGS. Also This was followed by helicopters dropping flower petals.

On the occasion of India’s 75th anniversary of independence. We present a special episode of the ‘3 Things’ podcast in which we ask three people a political scientist, an economist, and a filmmaker. What they think is worth celebrating this occasion.

Shashank Bhargava, the host, is joined by Pratap Bhanu Mehta, Jayati Ghosh, also Saeed Akhtar Mirza to answer this question also share their anxieties about contemporary India also what gives them hope.

We are celebrating 75th independence day. Also The BJP government launched the Har Ghar Tiranga campaign this year to celebrate the ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mohatsav.’

Siachen warriors raise the Tricolor on the highest battlefield.

To commemorate 75 years of independence. Also Soldiers at Siachen raised the National Flag at the world’s highest battlefield, according to NEWS.

RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat believes that India must be self-sufficient.

Mohan Bhagwat, the chief of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). Said on Monday that India gained independence after much struggle also that it must be self-sufficient.

After hoisting the national flag at the RSS headquarters in Nagpur, also Maharashtra. On India’s 76th Independence Day, Bhagwat said the country will send a message of peace to the world.

He also stated that people should consider what they can offer the country rather than what the country or society can offer them.

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