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CEO Rohan Verma Criticizes Ola’s Navigational Map Claims

Rohan Verma has denied ANI Technologies' allegations that it is developing an Indian navigational map.


CEO Rohan Verma Criticizes Ola’s Navigational Map Claims

CEO Rohan Verma Criticizes Ola’s Navigational Map Claims

Rohan Verma, CEO of MapmyIndia, has dismissed claims made by ANI Technologies, Ola’s parent company, regarding the development of a navigational map of India.

Verma labeled these claims as a “gimmick” and questioned the quality and credibility of Ola’s mapping product. He also raised doubts about the involvement of Geospoc Pvt Ltd, the startup reportedly supplying the map to Ola.

Legal Action and Response:

The tension between the two companies escalated after MapmyIndia sent a legal notice to Ola Electric on July 23.

The notice accused Ola of breaching the terms and conditions of a license agreement signed in 2021, which allowed Ola Electric to use MapmyIndia’s APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) and SDKs (Software Development Kits).

In response, Ola refuted the accusations, calling them “baseless and motivated,” and suggested that MapmyIndia’s statements were an attempt to stay relevant by maligning competitors.

Rohan Verma Criticism of Ola Product Quality:

Verma expressed confidence that MapmyIndia’s business is not at risk due to the introduction of Ola Maps, citing what he perceives as poor quality in Ola’s product.

He stated, “We don’t see a business risk because we don’t see a good product coming from there. People are complaining left, right, and center about their (Ola) updated cab and electric vehicle apps, that their maps are pathetic and causing users problems. Everybody knows that these are more announcements and gimmicks, but the quality of that product.”

Challenges in Building Reliable Maps:

Verma emphasized the complexities of creating accurate and reliable maps, highlighting that it requires significant investment in time, capital, and expertise. He argued that globally, only a few companies have succeeded in this domain, and it is not feasible for a company to suddenly claim to have created a map without the necessary track record.

Rohan Verma shows Concerns About Competitors’ Accuracy:

Verma also warned about using alternative mapping solutions, such as those offered by OpenStreetMap and other competitors, implying that they lack the accuracy required for reliable navigation. He advised users to be cautious of “gimmicky, Fly By Night products” that may not meet the necessary standards.

This clash highlights the competitive landscape in the mapping and navigation industry, where accuracy and reliability are crucial for success.

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