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Complete lockdown in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka: Vehicle movement also restricted.


Complete lockdown in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka: Vehicle movement also restricted.

Vehicle movements are strictly limited in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu.

Complete lockdown in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka: Vehicle movement also restricted.

Key sentence:

  • Starting today, the two states have been put on full lockdown for the next two weeks.
  • All cars, excluding those participating in an emergency or critical services, are prohibited from moving.

Karnataka and Tamil Nadu, alongside different states like Rajasthan, Mizoram and Puducherry, have gone into a total lockdown from today. 

Karnataka and Tamil Nadu will be under lockdown for the following fourteen days, till May 24, with a few limitations on vehicle developments forced in the two states. 

In Tamil Nadu, all vehicle developments that are not connected to fundamental or crisis administration have been halted. 

Since morning, pictures have shown how traffic police are keeping a severe vigil on the streets to stop vehicles abusing the lockdown rules. There are heavy fines one would need to pay whenever found wandering out without a legitimate explanation. 

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The Tamil Nadu government has forced limitations on between locale and intra-area vehicular developments, except if significant. 

Vehicles will be needed to give e-passes if the movement doesn’t include health-related crisis. Taxicabs and private vehicles will be considered fundamental travel just if legitimate supporting records are given at check posts. 

Since morning, the Chennai Police has closed down over 35 flyovers to stop vehicle development. More than 10,000 police staff have been sent, and more than 200 designated spots set up to keep a beware of vehicular developments around there. 

Comparable advances have been taken in Karnataka, too, to restrict vehicle developments. In Bengaluru, traffic police have set up blockades at a few spots to prevent those going without a legitimate explanation. 

Police have said anybody seen abusing the lockdown rules will be captured and their vehicles seized. Upwards of 3,000 vehicles were seized during a preliminary attempt of the lockdown throughout the end of the week in Bengaluru. 

Tamil Nadu announces lockdown to curb Covid-19.

Nonetheless, there are no limitations for vehicles managing wellbeing crises. Vehicles conveying fundamental merchandise or clinical hardware are absolved from the lockdown. 

Karnataka has additionally suspended transport and metro rail administrations. Nonetheless, autorickshaws and taxis will be permitted to work if there should be an occurrence of crises. 

Karnataka has likewise limited vehicle developments for between state and intra-state ventures except if there is a crisis. 

Traveller vehicles will be permitted uniquely if there should arise a rail line station or air terminal exchanges, after giving substantial archives like tickets. 

Both Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are two of the most exceedingly terrible influenced states in the south in the second flood of Covid-19 the nation over.

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