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Fake Vaccination Kolkata: Two more arrested.


Fake Vaccination Kolkata: Two more arrested.

Fake Vaccination Kolkata: Two more arrested.

Fake Vaccination Kolkata: Two more arrested.


  • Fake Vaccination in Kolkata.
  • Fake Vaccination in Kolkata: Two more arrested.

Police had before captured four people, including the genius Debanjan Deb, 28, who had been imitating an IAS official for as far back as four months to sort out counterfeit inoculation camps.

 Captured two additional people on Tuesday regarding the phoney inoculation racket that was busted by the Kolkata Police last week.

Police had before captured four people, including the driving force, Debanjan Deb, 28, who had been mimicking an IAS official for as far back as four months to arrange counterfeit immunization camps.

The two captured people have been distinguished as Kanchan Deb, 37 and Sarat Patra, 52. While Patra had worked under a specialist and was recruited by Debanjan Deb to oversee the phoney infusions to individuals, Kanchan Deb is Debanjan Deb’s cousin.

“Kanchan Deb knew about the misrepresentation all along. He even used to swindle Debanjan Deb,” said a senior police official.

Till now, investigators have discovered exchanges of over two crores in only one year in the financial balance kept up by Debanjan Deb.

“He had taken credit of ₹20 lakh from a private bank utilizing produced records. He had acquired things like cover and sanitiser worth ₹1.2 crores from a stockist yet never paid him. He recruited workers who needed to pay him for landing the position,” said the official.

Prior police had discovered that Debanjan Ded had cheated in any event two private firms and a project worker of almost one crore, imitating a senior IAS official.

Examination so far has discovered Debanjan Deb had coordinated two phoney inoculation camps in Kolkata in any event. More than 800 individuals, including Trinamool Congress (TMC) MP Mimi Chakraborty and relatives of another TMC pioneer, got the phoney hits. In one camp, police presume the casualties were given Amikacin, an anti-toxin.

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