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The 5 badly COVID-19 affected states of India.


The 5 badly COVID-19 affected states of India.

The 5 badly COVID-19 affected states of India.

Key points:

  1.  Nearly 62 per cent of the country’s positive coronavirus disease cases (Covid-19), which peaks at 254,254, were contributed to five states in India.
  2. The southern state is the only one in the country with over 60,000 active Covid-19 cases.

Nearly 62 per cent of the country’s positive cases of coronavirus disease (Covid-19), which peaks at 254,254, were contributed to five states in India, the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare said that on Saturday. 

The health ministry said that Kerala, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, and Chhattisgarh contributed 157,106 to the present tally of active cases throughout the country.

As per the Health Ministry Report: 

The Ministry of Health reported that Kerala with 65,381 cases, Maharashtra had 54,045, Uttar Pradesh also with 14,260, West Bengal with 11,985, and Chhattisgarh with 11,435 infections had contributed most to the caseload of the nation.

Of all the states and territories of the Union (UT), only six have more than 10,000 active cases, of whom only two – Kerala and Maharashtra – have more than 50,000 such cases, according to data from the Ministry of Health. Meanwhile, the tally is below 15,000 from the other four states (Karnataka being the other).

Here’s a glance at these states that in India have the maximum number of active cases of Covid-19: 

1. Kerala: The southern state is the only one in the country with over 60,000 active Covid-19 incidents. So far, it has registered 760,933 cases.

This means that reported cases account for 8.60 per cent of the total cases reported in Kerala. More than 3,000 people throughout Kerala, the country’s fifth worst-hit district, have also succumbed to the disease.

2. Maharashtra: Maharashtra’s count is near twice the second worst-affected state, Karnataka, with almost 2 million Covid-19 cases. At 54,045, active cases contribute 2.80 per cent to the total caseload of the western state.

3. Uttar Pradesh: The most populous state globally, with a population of over 200 million, has to date registered nearly 600,000 cases of Covid-19. A total of 14,260 open cases means that 2.43 per cent of active cases occur in the state.

4. West Bengal: To date, more than 550,000 cases have been reported by the eastern state, whose management of the Covid-19 pandemic has been a sticking point between the Centre and the state government. A total of 11,985 active cases account for 2.17 per cent of the total Covid-19 cases in the state.

5. Chhattisgarh: There are close to 280,000 cases of Covid-19 in the central state, 11,435 of which are involved. This gives Chhattisgarh 4.09 per cent of its overall tally of active cases.

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